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Sunday, June 21, 2020 

Some more political tweets by Kurt Busiek

Let's see what our dear politically correct leftist friend in comicdom Busiek is saying lately. For example, here's what he says in response to an article from the far-left UK Independent:

Sounds more like somebody doesn't appreciate the notion everyone could go to get a medical check, which could help reduce the number of patients faster in the long run. And the UK Independant isn't exactly a reliable source free of distortions. I guess no comment from Busiek on Nevada's Democrat governor failing abide by special rules like wearing a medical mask at a restaurant in Las Vegas. Because only conservatives are a concern.

Busiek even posted this fishy comment:

I notice he doesn't seem to distinguish between honest and corrupt police officials? How odd. But, clear enough he's taking the side of those who would riot, not because they believe in justice, but because they're exploiting a most tragic incident for more mayhem, which has led to at least a dozen more people being murdered during the ensuing riots. And what does Busiek think of the vandalism that's been committed against statues of Abe Lincoln, after all he did to abolish slavery in his time? I guess Busiek must be really sorry he wrote any story even remotely starring Captain America, who's a form of law enforcer himself, even in the Avengers.

Here's some posts Busiek wrote that relate to the recent allegations against Cameron Stewart (who illustrated at least one project for Busiek, in Marvel's 1000 special):

I have to wonder what's the use of commenting on the topics when Kurt once gave his backing to allowing transgender men into women's bathrooms. Or at least, if the men happened to be claiming they're women/dressed as such, as though that alone would automatically validate entrance and invasion of privacy. When you support disturbing causes that can enable offenses at women's expense, there's little point to the current argument.

He even cited some items first posted by an alleged conservative who turned out to be quite a phony:

So he embraces the work of Bill Kristol, who shed his right-leaning guise to reveal himself as more an ally to the left a few years ago? Got it. Now I understand why the Weekly Standard folded 2 years after the 2016 election, as they unmasked to reveal that, despite some suggestions to the contrary, they were never true rightists to begin with. Kristol by now is a joke. And so too is Busiek, with the dreadful way he's been going about with his leftist politics.

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"Sounds more like somebody doesn't appreciate the notion everyone could go to get a medical check, which could help reduce the number of patients faster in the long run."

Problem is that in the US, unlike other Western countries, you have to pay your doctor out of your own pocket. A test can cost hundreds or, with some outlier labs trying to take advantage of insurance coverage, in the thousands of dollars. Meanwhile, the virus is hitting hardest the working poor, and people crowded up in prison or immigration detention, the people who can either least afford the testing and least likely to have health insurance, or who cannot get testing at all. How many people working tight close by each other in a meat processing plant line to send American pork to China are earning enough to afford the luxury of testing? How many people crowded into ICE for-profit prisons are even allowed to go for testing? Yet, if you don't nip the outbreaks there early, it will soon spread bad into the general population.

Curtailing testing to keep the numbers down may help to win an election, but it is Image over substance. It hurts the country for the sake of political avoidance of responsibility. It is the opposite of leadership.

"I notice he doesn't seem to distinguish between honest and corrupt police officials? "

Actually, he does. He is talking about the 3% of cops who were fired by a police force, distinguishing them from the 97% who have good employment records, at least as far as having been fired goes.

"But clear enough he's taking the side of those who would riot, not because they believe in justice, but because they're exploiting a most tragic incident for more mayhem, which has led to at least a dozen more people being murdered during the ensuing riots."

Interesting thing about those dozen or more deaths in the Fox article you link to, though. None of them are claimed to have been caused by protesters. They are attributed to police and security guards or people defending their property, to people acting in self defense, or to people who according to police charges have been identified as white supremacist provocateurs.

"And the UK Independant isn't exactly a reliable source free of distortions."

If you want to see the actual moment at the rally where Trump says he told his people to slow down the testing because the testing makes the numbers go up too much, you can see it here:


Trump's people now say he was just joking, like he said after he preached the Clorox cure. If so, he has a really bad sense of humor. And you can't take anything he says seriously.

"I have to wonder what's the use of commenting on the topics when Kurt once gave his backing to allowing transgender men into women's bathrooms. Or at least, if the men happened to be claiming they're women/dressed as such, as though that alone would automatically validate entrance and invasion of privacy."

Problem is, how do you now who is a woman, and who stands at the door to the washroom to decide who gets in? Do you have someone at the door checking everybody out to see if they are a natural-born woman or a woman-come-lately, while all the other purported women are standing in line behind them hopping from one foot to the other waiting to get in? Do you put cameras in the stalls, the way the police used to spy on people in the men's washrooms to see if any gays were up to criminal hanky panky in them? Anything you could come up with sounds like a worse invasion of women's privacy than allowing the odd transgender person in.

As of now, in the US more Republican senators have been discovered engaging in indecent activity in washrooms than any transgendered women.

" "If we just stop testing, the numbers will go way down!" What a fucking clown..."
"Trump's people now say he was just joking, like he said after he preached the Clorox cure."

When asked directly, Trump said he doesn't kid. And he has demonstrated he wasn't jokingt; he has just cut funding for covid testing. It won't make the actula real-world number of cases go down, but it will help hide the way the numbers are going up, and appearances are all that matters to hijm.

"So he embraces the work of Bill Kristol, who shed his right-leaning guise to reveal himself as more an ally to the left a few years ago? Got it. Now I understand why the Weekly Standard folded 2 years after the 2016 election, as they unmasked to reveal that, despite some suggestions to the contrary, they were never true rightists to begin with. Kristol by now is a joke."

Kristol is the same conservative guy he always was. It is just that the Republican Party is more right wing radical and less conservative than it used to be, and he doesn't know how to accept a party that now likes Russia more than Western Europe and doesn't stand up for state's rights and the constitutional separation of powers any more.

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