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Sunday, August 02, 2020 

How can the X-Men still matter if they're hostage to political correctness?

A writer at the Triad City Beat wrote about the X-Men's history as an allusion to the civil rights movement of the 50s and 60s for Free Comic Book Day, and says they still matter:
Did Stan Lee intend for the story of the mutants to be an allegory for the Civil Rights Movement? Were Xavier and Magneto stand-ins for Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X’s opposing ideals? That debate goes on, but 1968’s Stan’s Soapbox Editorial feature where Lee declared racial prejudice and bigotry to be the deadliest of social ills suggests he may have had awareness at some point. Writer Chris Claremont’s X-Men “God Loves, Man Kills” and other stories more firmly connected the plight of the mutants to that of those persecuted and oppressed in our world. Despite victories and strides forward, as the real world experienced the same, mutants were still persecuted and killed in the streets globally in the Marvel Universe.
Well today, those real life metaphors for mutants include conservatives, whites, Jews, Christians, blacks enslaved by Muslims in north Africa, and also native Europeans under threat from Islam. But did the columnist who wrote this piece intend to allude to that? If these modern issues don't count, and only political correctness does, what's the use of this whole argument?
Marvel Comics reflects the world outside your window and Marvel’s mighty mutants have caught up if not gotten ahead of today’s changing world. The X-Men still swear to protect a world that feared and hates them, but now it will be on their own terms and now is the time to read X-men comics.
Sorry, but I think not. If the writers at Marvel won't recognize the phoniness of Black Lives Matter, or why the Portland riots are a serious wrong, or why BLM's done as much harm to the black community as to anyone else, and won't develop any metaphors to make the points, then they're not reflecting the world outside our windows at all. In fact, who knows if the SJWs even believe the X-Men matter now? It's not like they've sold well in a long time, and many of these PC advocates clearly aren't buying and reading the X-books. Sadly, it's clear that not only has Marvel fallen victim to SJWs exploiting the comics for extreme political agendas, the mainstream press isn't interested in pointing this out either.

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The entire arts and media community are hostage to political correctness. Why should comics be any different? The only hope for change is if Disney goes bankrupt and has to start creating stuff American audiences enjoy instead of vanity message media to keep from disappearing completely.

Problem is, if Disney goes bankrupt, there's no way they'd be making anything, period, as they'd be shut down. No, the ACTUAL only hope is for Iger and Chapek to be replaced with genuine conservatives to bring Disney right back to what it was under Walt and Roy Disney.

“Well today, those real life metaphors for mutants include conservatives, whites, Jews, Christians, blacks enslaved by Muslims in north Africa, and also native Europeans under threat from Islam. ”

That is really stretching the metaphor!

The point of the metaphor is that a hated minority is trying to decide how to respond to hatred - prove you are a good guy, adhere to the law, believe in the ideals of the society that oppresses you and challenge them with those ideals, like the X-Men and Martin Luther King, or take a militant and agrressive stance that defies the majority, like Magneto and the early Malcolm X?

I guess you could see Trump and white nationalists as being the conservative version of Magneto, while the Bushes and Romneys are more like the conservative version of the X-Men. But given that Trump is president and the traditional Republicans used to run the country, it is hard to describe white populists as a hated minority.

Native Europeans are not a homogenous group by any means, and include formerly despised groups like gypsies. Still, “native” Europeans hold the levers of power in Europe. It is hard to analogize them to mutants. Angela Merkel is the leader of the free world right now; mutants are not exactly a metaphor for old Europe.

The world outside our window is a world full of BLM and of people marching in the streets of Portland. It is also a world where different people have very different opinions about these things. If Marvel comics said that BLM is phony, or described the public manifestations as riots, they wouldn’t be reflecting the real world, only one particular opinion about it; they would be reflecting the world according to fourcolormedmon. That would be propaganda, not reality.

Anyone can be racist, Anonymous. It's not limited to one group. You need to stop drinking the intersectional Kool-Aid.

"The world outside our window is a world full of BLM and of people marching in the streets of Portland. It is also a world where different people have very different opinions about these things. If Marvel comics said that BLM is phony, or described the public manifestations as riots, they wouldn’t be reflecting the real world, only one particular opinion about it; they would be reflecting the world according to fourcolormedmon. That would be propaganda, not reality."

Are you that stupid? Have you not been paying attention to the news the past few months? There have been destructive riots all over the country that have destroyed entire communities. Lives have been lost, businesses have been destroyed, and you have the audacity to claim there haven't been riots?

You need help, Anonymous. You've lost touch with reality.

There has certainly been violent incidents, many of them, particularly in the early days, started by right wing provocateurs, judging by the arrest records. But calling all the demonstrations riots? Some people might make that judgment call, but it is a sweeping judgment. Compared to say Detroit 1967, the 'riots' are downright wimpy. Most serious injuries have been caused by the police, violence has been scattered and insignificant compared to the size and scope of peaceful protest. Thomas Jefferson, who thought you needed street protest and violence from time to time to keep the spirit of democracy alive, would not have seen anything amiss in this respect (although it would be interesting to hear what he would have had to say about racial issues today!)

Don't just watch the small section of the news that pushes the agenda you what you want to hear. Flames are sensationalistic and make headlines, but they are only a small part of the story.

The point is, some people call them riots and some don't, and many see that the situation is not uniform and different places have very different situations. Condemning a writer or publishing company for not advancing one particular uniform point of view just shuts down thought.

Are you a politician? Or a member of the media? Because you sure are good at spinning things to make your side look good.

Do you guys think just by putting conservatives at the head of the company will actually improve things?

"Do you guys think just by putting conservatives at the head of the company will actually improve things?"

Well, it certainly is better than keeping liberals in there, that's for sure. Heck, I'll even accept a Rand Paul-style libertarian being put in as the head of the company as long as it at least ensures it's made great again.

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  • From Jerusalem, Israel
  • I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comics when I was young, the first being Fantastic Four. I maintain a strong belief in the public's right to knowledge and accuracy in facts. I like to think of myself as a conservative-style version of Clark Kent. I don't expect to be perfect at the job, but I do my best.
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