Captain Cold's powers are pointlessly internalized
In this CBR interview with Francis Manapul and Brian Buchalleto, they tell that Leonard Snart, alias Capt. Cold, is getting built-in powers:
The biggest problem of course, is that this is almost fully guaranteed to be a humorless depiction of Captain Cold, no thanks to Geoff Johns, who ruined Leonard Snart this way a decade ago.
"A lot of it was very logical stuff. It was trying to stay true to the original," Manapul said of the rogue's revamp. "With him having internal powers, it actually made the most sense for him not to even have a coat or a hood. We really struggled with that for a while, especially since that's such an integral part to the iconic look that he has. This was a good compromise. A lot of the design of it was very practical. The reason that he's sleeveless is that we took the idea of ice in his veins literally. We're going to see the physical manifestation of powers going through his arms, almost similar to the light glow you see cut into the Flash's costume, but with this one, it's obviously a colder [effect.] With regard to the hood, it was just something we couldn't lose, you know? It's such an iconic part of his outfit and I think -- do you ever see kids, they wear hoodies when it's warm out? The way I thought about it and the way we presented it is that the reason he's wearing [those clothes] is that he's just a normal guy with a cold gun."If memory serves, DC tried something like this a couple years ago with the Weather Wizard, with no lasting impact. I don't forsee this having much either. And here I thought they'd said they were going to introduce some new villains, which would at least have given them an excuse to feature a new one with internalized ice powers. Or, they could have cast the son of the Golden Age Icicle as the adversary in whatever they're planning. But again, all they can think to do is mess around with the established villains more and more.
The biggest problem of course, is that this is almost fully guaranteed to be a humorless depiction of Captain Cold, no thanks to Geoff Johns, who ruined Leonard Snart this way a decade ago.
Labels: dc comics, dreadful writers, Flash
Their hot new idea was to rip off Iceman?
Posted by
Kookaburra |
9:48 PM
It just shows how creatively bankrupt DioDio, Lee, Johns and their gang are. John Broome must be rolling in his grave. Carmine Infantino is still alive; i wonder what he thinks of this?
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:33 PM