A CBR writer's comments on the Ferguson case
Listen, McCullough, just start using the air quotes you reeeeeally want to use in addition to your smug voice. #Ugh
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
So right off the bat, he hates the DA who oversaw the case in court. Yeah, tell us about it.
"This grand jury has EVERYTHING: blue collar workers, middle aged people, human traffic cones, Eric Roberts swallowing fire..."
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
Is that supposed to be sarcasm? Refusal to believe that the jury could have people with brains? Maybe he should look at himself...
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
Oh, so he's downplaying Brown's robbery along with the assault he committed, is he? What a disgrace.
You know what you could do to get people to change their minds about your racist self? Indict Darren Wilson! That would go a long way!
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
I guess he doesn't care that Brown assaulted Wilson and caused him an eye injury. And look who's talking about racism. Somebody who probably has no concerns about kooks using slurs like "cracker", and probably doesn't care when Asians are targeted by racism either. Interestingly, he also tweeted:
Obama telling protestors to remain peaceful in a split screen where a protestor is writhing on the ground in pain.
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
MSNBC is like watching a terrifying post apocalyptic movie. The President is talking over footage of cops in riot gear.
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
STOP tearing down the PROTESTORS, President Obama! Cops are launching gas at them right now!
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
Why does Obama not care? Why does he sound so BORED?
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
"There will be a negative reaction that will make for good TV" -- A thing the President just really said right now???
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
So he's mad at Obama? How come he didn't say so a few years earlier when he brought out his plans for healthcare? Or when he indicated he was fine with building a mosque at Ground Zero, all at the expense of 9-11 Families? Or when the Benghazi disaster took place?
Reminder that the media/journalists have not launched tear gas into crowds or murdered an unarmed teenager. Seems like people are confused!
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
No, but they certainly are guilty of fanning flames and distorting facts. They turn their backs on the atrocities of Hamas too and that's also serious. But if that's how White feels, then is he mad at Stan Lee for creating J. Jonah Jameson as a reflection of bad, cynical ethics in journalism?
It's worth noting that even reporters were assaulted by the very crowds they egged on, including the UK Independent's correspondent. For somebody who must consider himself a journalist, Whtie doesn't seem particularly concerned about his peers.
People who support Wilson and express no empathy towards Brown's family and DON'T call themselves racist win the gold at Mental Gymnastics
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
So does that mean he thinks Wilson deserved the eye injury he got from Brown? Does it also mean White thinks it's impossible for blacks to be racist towards whites, Latinos and Asians? And does he also think the incitement by Brown's stepfather - who got criticized for what he yelled - was justified?
Why was this announced at night? Because you knew protestors would react and therefore make your decision look right to racists?
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
Tsk tsk. Does this mean he's okay with riots erupting at all? Poor Mr. White, he needs better education, I believe.
Hey racist Christians defending Darren Wilson, reminder -- Jesus wasn't white.
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
And I guess he doesn't believe Tzipporah, wife of Moses, was black, does he? What a disgraceful lunkhead Mr. White is, blaming easy targets like Christianity for all the bad that goes on in the world. At least it gives a clue what his standings are (presumably atheist), and sums up why we can't be surprised if he turns his back on what Christians in the middle east are suffering now. If these are the kind of people CBR's official staff employs, no wonder a campaign about ethics in journalism similar to Gamergate could be worth developing for comicdom too. Naturally, there'd need to be a rational, coherent base to build it up on, of course.
White people are not the only people in America. It's dangerous to assume so and it's dangerous to remain ignorant to other people.
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
Yes, and it's dangerous to turn one's back to what blacks in Nigeria and north Africa are going through at the hands of Boko Haram. Have you protested the savagery of Boko Haram as loudly as you have what you think is racism in the USA, Mr. White? Have you ever protested anti-white racism, while we're on the topic? Does black racism against Asians worry you? Do anti-Israel sentiments at the Ferguson riots worry you?
In TN it was so easy to live without interacting with black people or even knowing about how they experience life. Modern segregation.
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
Ever wondered if there's blacks out there who think the same way if they live in largely separate areas from whites and have no clear way of knowing how they experience life? It's certainly like that in some parts of China and Japan, where even the Ainu residents have no significant presence. There's Haredi clans like Satmar who practically want to live in segregation and rely on welfare, doing their constituents serious damage in the process. So don't try to suggest it's just rank-and-file white Americans practicing that. Besides, ever consider that some of them were forced to flee the big cities because of the crime running rampant?
That leads to #Ferguson. Not knowing the systemic problems in place that I as a white person will NEVER encounter.
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
I guess he's never encountered people with right-wing views either, has he?
When someone that is different from you tells you how they experience life, LISTEN. Why would you not listen? Why would you question them?
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
In that case, Mr. White, please kindly listen to conservatives, ditto Christians. Indeed, why will you not listen to them, or to conservative followers of Jewish faith? Oh, and before you go around apologizing for Islam, read an official edition of the Koran to see what the verses are like. Why will you not question those?
"This is what it looks like when people get to the point of hopelessness." - MSNBC right now
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
A statement that would describe people like Mr. White perfectly.
"This isn't even revenge. The business owners didn't do this." - MSNBC. Watch @chrislhayes and the people on the street he's talking to.
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
Oh, really? It's not? Leave it to an NBC reporter to tell us the whole story, which they don't.
Chris Hayes stressing that the fires near him were started by single arsonists, not masses of rioting looters.
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
That's about as impressive as telling us it was just a tiny minority of cretins who committed rapes at Occupy Wall Street gatherings.
A hail of gunfire can be heard on MSNBC. Chris Hayes had to duck. Being told to fall back.
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
He obviously hasn't said a word about the violence by rioters.
MSNBC stresses there are protestors marching peacefully in Ferguson.
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
I can see what he's trying to do here. Manipulate the scene so it sounds like just the police are the guilty party here. Yeah, keep going.
Not to stump for MSNBC continually, but 95% of the people they interview are black and from STL area.
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
Challenging question: what's their exact political position? What's their take on Wilson and Brown, for that matter? If there's anybody out there defending Wilson, do they get air time? White remains ambiguous as always.
I don't know what media outlets everyone's watching, but MSNBC has not let McCulloch get away with his gross statement or anything else.
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
Numerous people on MSNBC have pointed out that McCulloch came across more like defense than prosecution.
— Brett White (@brettwhite) November 25, 2014
And White comes across as more of a moonbat and an apologist for a criminals than somebody who's truly worried about justice. And these are the kind of people sites like CBR think make for great employees. I think not. I think this is just why we must insist on better journalistic ethics among comics journalists, just like in the rest of the industrial world. White also fails to ponder that many Blacks have been victim of all this mindlessness, and if he can't object to rioting that leads to destruction, then he's only doing the black community far more harm than good as a result.
Labels: islam and jihad, misogyny and racism, moonbat writers, politics, terrorism, violence
Wasn't the whole "Tzipporah was black" myth debunked?
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:30 AM
This is why nobody cares about the comics anymore- they're written for people like him.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:23 PM
Several African-American bystanders witnessed the shooting, and testified that Brown attacked Wilson. All were later harassed by the "protesters," who warned them to "keep your mouth shut."
One alleged witness, DeAndre Joshua, was found shot to death. It may have been a stray bullet during the riot, but it may have been because his testimony corroborated Wilson's. There is also a possibility that Joshua was not a witness, but that the killer mistook him for one.
The "hail of gunfire" that Brett White complains about apparently came from the "protesters," not the cops.
And Brown was not shot for "stealing cigars." He was shot because he attacked a cop. That is a tactic commonly used to make cops look bad. A traffic cop stops a speeder, the driver pulls a gun and aims at the cop, the cop shoots the gunman in self-defense, and then the media report, "A black motorist was shot by a white police officer after the officer stopped the motorist for a minor traffic violation."
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:44 PM
Wilson was helping a sick baby at the same time that Brown was robbing a store and roughing up the clerk.
Brown attacked a cop, who shot him in self-defense. Number of White House staff members who attended Brown's funeral: 3.
General Harold Greene served in the US armed forces for 34 years. He was killed in action in Afghanistan. Number of White House staffers who attended his funeral: 0.
Speaking of serving in the military, the media have repeatedly called Brown a "youth," a "boy," and even a "child," but he was older than a lot of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who are currently serving on active duty.
If anyone should be indicted, it's CNN, MSNBC, and HLN, for inciting riots.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:35 PM
If White really lived in Tennessee and never interacted with non-whites, sounds like he's the one with racist issues.
I grew up in Tennessee. It's impossible to live anywhere except in a Nashville gated community (or a compound in the Smokies, maybe) and not interact with blacks.
Crazy is as crazy does, Brett. If you voted Democrat, you get what you deserve with these clowns, and you'll vote for their like again in a couple of years. Shut up and enjoy your utopia.
Posted by
The Drizzt |
7:40 AM
"Brett Whitechristmas" says that if you support Officer Wilson and you don't consider yourself a racist, than you are doing "mental gymnastics."
White's attitude is, "Wilson is white, therefore it automatically follows that he's guilty. Brown was black, therefore he must be an innocent victim. Nothing else could possibly be relevant."
That is, White makes assumptions without evidence, and judges people according to their race, and he thinks that everyone else does, too. He can't accept the possibility that other people might be able to examine evidence objectively and reach a fair, unbiased conclusion.
Blogs by Massad Ayoob and Mike McDaniel explain the issues involved in this case, including the FAQ's like why did the cop have to shoot an unarmed person, why didn't the cop use a Taser or tear gas, and so on. That is, if you actually want to understand the facts in the case.
Of course, people who consider themselves "liberal," "progressive," and "free thinkers" have already made up their minds, and are uninterested in facts.
BTW, I looked up the definitions of "liberal," "progressive," and "racist." The first two do not mean, "Someone who makes assumptions without evidence," or "A person who accuses anyone who disagrees with him about anything of being a racist."
And "racist" does NOT mean, "Someone who forms opinions about individuals based, case-by-case, on each person's behavior, without regard for race." And it also does not mean, "A person who wants to know all of the facts about a given subject before forming an opinion about it."
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:42 AM
Brett White is without a doubt the worst comics columnist at the moment. Every one of his columns sounds like it was written by a weak spoiled crybaby who doesn't understand how reality works.
I don't even totally disagree with him on some issues, and I don't support Officer Wilson (sorry, guys), but White's babyish logic and shrill self-righteousness is definitely at work in many of these goofy tweets of his.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:36 AM
You don't have to support Wilson, anon -- just his constitutional right to a fair hearing based on the principle of "innocent until proven guilty."
Posted by
Hube |
3:40 PM
White complains that "McCulloch came across more like defense than prosecution."
I don't doubt that Angela Corey (or Mike Nifong, or David Rozema, or Janet Reno) would have manipulated the situation, and would have only allowed the grand jury to see evidence that favored an indictment. Or else they would have bypassed the grand jury and indicted the defendant on an "offer of information." (Those pesky grand juries might recognize a justifiable shooting when they see one.)
But any investigation, including a grand jury hearing, should be a search for the truth. All relevant evidence should be examined.
A district attorney/county attorney/state's attorney should be as concerned with exonerating the innocent as well as prosecuting the guilty. McCulloch deserves praise, not criticism, for allowing exculpatory evidence to be included.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:48 PM