Another of Slott's gun control rants
Whenever a teen uses a gun that came from their own house in a shooting, and gun right's activists call it a "stolen gun", there's an intellectual dishonesty at work.Ahem. However you look upon it, they are stolen items in their own way. The point he misses here is that the parents may have failed to educate their children to understand why using guns for fun is wrong. Another is why the parents may own firearms: to protect themselves from dangerous criminals. A mother could own a gun to defend herself against violent maniacs like rapists. According to this info, more than 200,000 women own guns for precisely this reason. (On which note, has Slott ever condemned violent men making this planet's innocent ladies' lives miserable and driving them to own firearms?)
It's stolen in the same way that a kid steals $100 out of their mom's purse, or steals liquor out of the liquor cabinet, or steals their parents' car out of the garage.
These aren't "stolen" guns, in as much as they're a family's guns that were improperly locked up or secured. This is far more endemic of our sick need to have weapon arsenals in our own homes, then it is people stealing guns. It's more of a symptom of the fact that Americans own more guns per citizen-- by an insanely wide margin-- than the citizens of any other developed country on the planet.
And once more, he reduces this whole issue to little more than a "sick need" to own arsenals, fully dismissing all the innocent people who managed to prevent crimes with the help of firearms. Slott is merely exploiting any incident he can find matching his above description to attack gun ownership for the purpose of self-defense. And no congratulations are ever given to people who used guns for the right reasons, not even police officials. A man who probably wouldn't even serve in the US military to help people whose lives are in danger of evil wants to lecture us all with his tunnelvisions. And he's completely forgotten how France suffered some of the worst mass shootings last year, which contradicts the notion only the USA has this problem.
Slott's lectures are boring at this point, much as his scriptwriting is awful.
Labels: Europe and Asia, misogyny and racism, moonbat writers, politics, violence
"Sick need"? Slott is one to lecture us all about "sick." The guy follows critics around the Internet and sics his mindless minions on them whenever he gets huffy about something.
Posted by
Hube |
5:44 AM