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Sunday, August 04, 2024 

Former cast member of Star Wars' Mandalorian spinoff wins a starting victory against Disney for biased dismissal

Newsbusters announced actress Gina Carano, who'd been fired from the Star Wars-related TV show, The Mandalorian, over her right-wing political views, has had her lawsuit against Disney approved for going forward to court:
Disney tried to end actress Gina Carano's lawsuit against the company after it fired her from The Mandalorian and tried to make her persona non-grata. But last week Disney failed.

A judge allowed Carano’s discrimination case against Disney to move forward on July 24. Disney fired Carano three years ago after she notably made fun of personal pronouns and alluded to the fact that dehumanizing people can lead to horrifying ends like Nazi Germany.

Carano celebrated Disney’s failure to get her case dismissed on X, thanking X owner Elon Musk for supporting her lawsuit. “I am moved to tears. After a brutal 3 1/2 years, I am being given the opportunity to move forward in the court of law before the judge and my peers to clear my name. I am so grateful for this opportunity,” Carano wrote.

She went on to make clear that she wasn’t just fighting for herself. “What happened to me was unacceptable, absurd and abusive, among other things. It should not have happened to me, and it should not happen to anyone else moving forward. Let it stop here.”

Musk said of the decision: “The discovery on this case will be devastating for the woke mind virus that controls Disney.”
I think Bob Chapek could do a lot of good by publicly apologizing to Carano, paying her compensation, and calling for Disney to rehire her. But I guess that won't happen, because his ideological pride is too much for him to part with. For now, I wish Carano good luck in seeking compensation from Disney, who'd do well to cease their anti-conservative agendas.

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