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Thursday, June 11, 2020 

DC's Young Adult projects denigrate Steve Trevor

CBR's gushing galore over the young-adult rendition of Wonder Woman in a graphic novel called Tempest Tossed, which revisions her classic boyfriend Major Steve Trevor into two different men as a homosexual couple:
Sometimes a love interest, sometimes a mentor from the federal government but always a friend, Trevor serves as a living link between Diana's Amazon background and her burgeoning superhero career beyond it. In the latest DC Comics original graphic novel Wonder Woman: Tempest Tossed, by Laurie Halse Anderson and Leila del Duca, Steve Trevor has been radically reimagined as two separate characters. This change is one of the boldest, most effective revisions in the story.

After being magically cut off from Themyscira while saving refugees from a violent storm off the island's coast, Diana lands in Greece. Corralled with the rest of the refugees in subpar conditions and constantly treated with vitriolic contempt, Diana comes to the assistance of a young girl mistreated by the soldiers running the refugee camp.

Before the situation can escalate, Steve Chang arrives with his husband Trevor to defuse the confrontation in their role as official inspectors tasked by the United Nations. Steve is an Asian-American medical physician while Trevor is an African-American soldier, in keeping with the character's historical military background.
They certainly spared no expense ensuring this would involve race-swapping as much as sexual orientation-swapping. Less clear is the part about spending time at a refugee camp. Is that an allusion to the illegal immigration ruining Europe? More noticeable is that the 2 characters based on the one work for the UN, one of the most corrupt outfits in the world with a disturbing record of employees who committed sex abuse. I guess that's one thing the SJWs who exploited WW for this propaganda decided didn't require a different viewpoint than past renditions that took a superficial view of the UN as a political outfit.
There are two things that the reimagining of Steve Trevor in Tempest Tossed does well right from the start: First, it revises Diana's own Wonder Woman origin. No longer following an outsider on a glorified escort mission, Diana instead leaves home to save the lives of dozens of refugees; Trevor isn't a direct part of that equation at all. It also underscores the tragedy of being separated from home: Diana being unable to return to Themyscira is not the choice of either herself or her fellow Amazons.
It's still unclear - possibly deliberate too - who these refugees are. But it most certainly is apparent this is one of the worst examples of virtue-signaling to come down the pike in the past few years. And CBR throws their full weight behind the promotion unquestioned, ugh.
The creative team doubles not only not doesn't make Trevor a love interest for Diana, but eliminates the possibility of his ever being one by turning him into two married individuals. This is also significant because it gives Diana her first glimpse of a loving relationship outside of her home.

Trevor had previously been reimagined as an African-American soldier by Grant Morrison and Yanick Paquette in Wonder Woman: Earth One but Steve Chang being a separate, Asian-American character is a welcome change, especially because the two characters are in a thriving, same-sex marriage.
Yep, because rejecting the opposite sex as a partner in romance and marriage is just that important. Of course, they don't mention how degrading Morrison and Paquette's take on WW was, nor how it served the Amazon princess badly. Which only shows what double-standards and cheap views they have to offer.
Still, Steve and Trevor forge a connection with Diana and serve as a bridge between both of her homes. Anderson and del Duca have taken the opportunity not just to modernize Wonder Woman and the world around her, but also make Steve Trevor provide much-needed representation for LGBTQ audiences and readers of color as separate, competent and loving characters who help show Diana Prince the good in the world beyond Themyscira.
There's so much of that now from end to end and coast to coast of the entertainment world, I'm wondering where the columnist is coming from on anything. This stuff is growing old, and they know it.

This may be not be connected to what passes for "continuity" today at DC, but it's still a considerable denigration of William Marston and Harry G. Peter's famous creations, exploiting and turning them inside out for the sake of narrow agendas.

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Somehow I think that William Marston would be the last comic book writer to object to having his comic book used to promote a vision of homosexuality as a healthy expression of sexuality.

It was Phil Jiminez who first created Trevor as an African-American character in the Wonder Woman book, although his Trevor was romantically involved with Diana, not married to another man.

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