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Sunday, July 12, 2020 

Some news on the former Marvel editor who was involved in the Central Park birdwatching incident

Several weeks ago, I'd looked at an interview with the former Marvel editor Christian Cooper, who did something decidedly ill-advised when he provoked a white woman with the same family name as he's got, in a section of NYC's Central Park, all because he supposedly disapproved of her not keeping her dog on a leash. Now, more news has come up that the woman's not only lost her job, but that the district attorney's decided to prosecute her for filing a false complaint against Cooper, who's black. But here's where things take an interesting turn:
The man at the center of the Central Park “Karen” fiasco has said he will not cooperate with the Manhattan district attorney’s investigation, according to a new report.

Christian Cooper told the New York Times on Tuesday that Amy Cooper, 41, has suffered enough since the May encounter that destroyed her career and reputation.

Amy Cooper was charged on Monday with falsely reporting an incident in the third degree.

“On the one hand, she’s already paid a steep price,” Christian, 57, told the paper, referring to the criminal charge. “That’s not enough of a deterrent to others?”

The avid birdwatcher added, “Bringing her more misery just seems like piling on.”

“So if the DA feels the need to pursue charges, he should pursue charges. But he can do that without me,” he said, adding that greater principles are at stake.
And for all we know, those principles could be his. It's true the woman was flouting the rule in the park zone. But the former comics editor must've realized that in the long run, his whole approach to the matter was very poor, acting as he did like a "public moralist", and her lawyer could actually use that against him. The New York Post's editorial board said:
[...] She got slammed across social media (and regular media) for calling 911 to report that “an African-American man” is “threatening myself and my dog” — when he wasn’t really threatening, just being creepy. (How many birdwatchers carry doggy treats just so they can lure illegally off-the-leash canines?)
See, that's precisely the error Cooper was making. He could've called the cops himself, and instead, he used the ends to justify the means, which ran the risk of harassment and stalking. A lawyer could have a field day with that kind of peculiar behavior. He/she could ask whether Cooper would've done this if it had been an underaged boy or girl at the park, and if he realizes how horrific it'd look if he pulled such a dumb stunt with them. Or why a guy strolling around the park for birdwatching carries a supply of dog food ingredients instead of bird seed. Or why, if he really believed a non-violent offense was such a big deal, he didn't contact the authorities himself. Yes, that's something to think about. Judging from the interview Cooper gave earlier, where he boasted about homosexuality and bragged about stuff like the Alpha Flight issue, it sounded like he was awfully "out there", and believed his racial background served as the perfect excuse, coupled with the current political atmosphere, even though the woman could just as well be as leftist as he is.

And is there any consideration that a white man could do the same as Cooper did, and a black woman could have reacted with the same kind of vindictive response as the white woman in focus did? On that note, one can only guess whose side the MSM would take if the racial backgrounds were switched around.

In the end, this is definitely a case where I just don't know whom to root for. What I do know is that it's a terrible shame this case has been exploited by advocates of Black Lives Matter, having occurred around the same time as the riots took place. But at least Cooper seems to realize it wouldn't look good if in the long run if he made himself out to look that damning when he wasn't setting a much better example than she was. I don't know if he ever intends to try and reenter mainstream comicdom proper. But, if he did, he'd do well to avoid situations that could cause embarrassment to employers in both the mainstream and independent comics press. After all, nobody likes a "public moralist" just coming out of nowhere and becoming a nuisance where it could always be avoided.

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"And is there any consideration that a white man could do the same as Cooper did, and a black woman could have reacted with the same kind of vindictive response as the white woman in focus did? On that note, one can only guess whose side the MSM would take if the racial backgrounds were switched around."

Of course the reaction would have been different! The fear - and you may disagree with it, but it is there and with a long history to reinforce it - is that if a white woman complains about a black man, the black man is going to be treated brutally, regardless of the justice of the situation, while if a black woman complains about a white man, it is just another call to the police. When the white woman called the cops, she deliberately taunted the guy with that, saying explicitly that she would tell the police an African-American man was harassing her. Why do you think she made a point of talking about his race, if not as a threat about what would happen?

Marvel Series is one of the best of best in all other TV and Movies series I have watched. I Usually love to read Urdu Novels and I found quite similar things in this series.

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