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Monday, August 31, 2020 

SJW-She-Ra's producer gets slammed for allegedly making a racist joke

It looks like the people behind the SJW-pandering remake of She-Ra have just been thrown under the bus by the crowd they were gearing for, as CBR's telling:
During a livestream with She-Ra and the Princesses of Power showrunner Noelle Stevenson and members of "Crew-Ra" on Wednesday, Stevenson recounted an "inside joke" with board artist Sam Szymanski that sparked significant controversy. While discussing the writer's room process, Stevenson made reference to a seemingly long-running joke about main character Bow, a skilled archer, having multiple siblings whose names all rhyme, in addition to reflecting their main pursuits.

"There's like Oboe and he plays the oboe, and Gogh -- like Van Gogh -- and he's missing an ear," Stevenson explained. "[Sam] would come up and just be like, 'Which one of Bow's brothers likes to till the fields?' I'm like, 'Which one, Sam?' and he's like, 'Sow.' Sam was very big on puns."

Fans were quick to point out the racist implications of a Black character named "Sow" being the one to "till the fields." Stevenson was called out for perpetuating racist stereotypes about African Americans and for repeating a joke that implies Bow's brother is a slave. Although Stevenson admitted to being unaware of the implications in an apology she posted to Twitter, the joke and the fan art mentioned in the stream -- which she also shared on Twitter -- both seem to reveal implicit racism.
Graphic novelist Richard Meyer says she didn't actually make a racist joke, but like quite a few leftists in entertainment today, all she can think to do is grovel and apologize over what may have been nothing.

Here's what an extra article from affiliated site Screen Rant says that now, the white background of the cartoon staff is being attacked:
Stevenson's apology led to fans criticizing She-Ra's all-white writer's room, urging the hiring of more POC writers moving forward. Others pointed out the positive impact She-Ra has had on fans, noting the autistic representation from the character Entrapta. Since its premiere in 2018, the series has been praised for showing a positive representation of autism in media.

Stevenson's joke was surprisingly careless, especially coming from the creator of a show that famously promotes inclusivity. It's clear that She-Ra fans hold the series to a high standard, especially due to its history of trying to appeal to many different communities. It's a shame that Stevenson and the rest of the crew didn't consider how Sow would be depicted, but hopefully they will make changes to the character and be more thoughtful in how the writer's room is run in the future.
If her statements were more intentional than we might think, then it's not all that surprising somebody producing such a pandering show could or would say something that might be degrading. But seriously, do "fans" hold the new cartoon in such huge regard? Only as something to serve as an example to push their PC agendas upon society while not necessarily viewing it themselves beyond a superficial, cursory glance.

In any case, don't be surprised if the showrunners for SJW-She-Ra, so long as any new material goes on the air, are going to take this liberal advice SR's giving seriously, and add POC to their staff, regardless of personal merit, all in a frantic effort to appease the crowd that's unlikely to fully forgive them for violating their contrived positions. Who knows, maybe they'll even boot out all the women working on it to date as well, because they're too white for their PC standards.

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