Guess who unmasked again?

Quesada said in defense of this latest, most meaningless trivia:
“I talked to [New Avengers writer] Brian Bendis about this before the fact, and it’s part of a larger story arc for Peter Parker/Spider-Man,” Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada says in this week’s “MyCup o’ Joe” Q&A. “And the outcome of it … well, I don’t want to give away Brian’s story, but it will go on and weave through New Avengers and Amazing Spider-Man with a specific outcome in mind. Maybe ‘outcome’ is the wrong word, but for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, so you’ll see how that plays out in the books. But in all, it was not a decision we entered into lightly.”Suuuurrrre it wasn't. Just like it wasn't when you did it back in Civil War. This is pure comedy already, and I'm sure the outcome will be just as awe-inspiring as the whole explanation for Jackpot.
There is a comment on the topic that tells something extra I'm not happy to hear:
I stopped reading Spider-man because of this, but the unmasking in new avengers is now well overdue. I’m insulted it was never addressed around secret invasion, but whats more is that Morlun is back, albeit in Black Panther, but still the effect he had on spider-man’s abilities and experience are just forgotten cause Quesada disagreed with Strazynski and pushed the latter into compromising his vision of growth for the character.Oh great, that's all we need is for Morlun to be back. The pale imitation of Morbius the Living Vampire who just served as a mere plot device, and a very uninteresting one at that. He should've just been allowed to melt away after his assistant shot him. But what really offends me is Reginald Hudlin's disgusting story in ASM 526, one more reason why I dread the use of Morlun in Black Panther, if Hudlin is writing it. Someone send Hudlin back to Hollywood whence he came!
Labels: bad editors, dreadful writers, marvel comics, Spider-Man, violence