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Saturday, November 12, 2011 

Miniseries becoming fewer

Tom Brevoort has said on his Formspring page that Marvel's going to focus far less on miniseries (or limited series, as they initially called them when the idea became serious during the 1980s):
We’ve been saying for months now that we’re going to be putting out fewer limited series, and instead focusing on our core monthly titles in response to where the marketplace seems to be right now. That’s what we’re doing. And that means that some projects that were initiated earlier are going to fall by the wayside. But at least among the best of those in terms of ideas, there’s nothing saying that we can’t revisit them later if conditions change.
Considering the effort they're making to ensure the conditions will not change for the better, it may not happen. When he says they'll focus more on their main monthlies, it's more likely that it'll be on bad writing ideas, crossovers and publicity stunts, which have only depleted their sales drastically.

Of course, their miniseries today have sunk to a very bad level of storytelling, and they've practically made it impossible to tell a decent story in the context of a miniseries either. So is it any wonder that miniseries may be all but vanishing from the major publishers now? I guess not.

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