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Friday, December 07, 2012 

Jonathan Hickman's take on Avengers still depends on icons in the cast

USA Today wrote about the writer Jonathan Hickman's taking over scripting reins on the Avengers. Among his plans for casting, it sounds like he's overcrowding the lineup:
He's not kidding about a larger squad. Hickman plans on using upward of 20 heroes in various groups, and for those worried about their favorites' screen time, he says, "everybody will be given a moment to shine."

Iconic characters such as the Wolverine and Spider-Man will be around — "We know where our bread is buttered," Hickman says — while others, like Falcon and the new Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, have been part of previous Avengers lineups and serve specific purposes within the writer's story.
I'm afraid this is just a continuation of Brian Bendis' reliance on heroes with wider recognition to carry a team book where they don't really fit in on a regular basis. Spidey, as was established for many years in the past, is more comfy working alone and if he does need to work with other heroes, it was better to do it in Marvel Team-Up or just a guest role in team books. And Wolverine's already part of the X-Men and once worked well in a solo book too, so all Hickman's doing is overshadowing his work with famous heroes who once worked well in different series, and at the same time, it looks like he's set to overcrowd the book with too many other heroes simultaneously. I won't be surprised if it results in so many yet not enough room to focus on everybody individually.

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