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Sunday, February 10, 2013 

Dan Slott tries to defend his leftist positions

Slott spoke with Hube on Twitter and wrote the following on his Twitlonger account, and surprisingly, he admits his approach to politics is not good as a business practice, but curiously enough, he says:
...there are some things that are more important to me than comic sales and how much I, personally, succeed on a financial level.
That's the first time I've seen him admit in a way that it's not like sales for his efforts on the Marvel books he's been writing have ever gone through the roof, nor are they anything to write home about. We may not agree with him, but I guess we'll have to give him credit both for admitting his left-leaning politics aren't helping much and that it's not like his output is making money in every sense of the word.

That said, he's still been writing some irrational tweets lately. He recently posted the following:

I think he's referring to a crooked former LA policeman named Christopher Dorner who shot 3 people in revenge for his dismissal from the force and is still at large. Umm, why shouldn't the public know about him? Wouldn't they want to be on the lookout for whether he turns up in their neighborhood so they could warn all innocents and the police could find him more easily? The public needs to know for their safety. Hard to comprehend why a guy writing a series about a superhero whose most famous tagline was "with great power must come great responsibility" is preaching the opposite.

Then, he posted:

So he's even attacking the GOP's right to campaign for the support of the Latino community, and pretending the Dems couldn't possibly pander, whereas only the Republicans could. Or something like that. I'm finding his logic hard to follow.

Again, Slott can get some credit for at least being honest about some of his positions. But that doesn't make any of the worst comments he's made any better.

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Bet Slott wouldn't say "I don't need to know that info," if Dorner gave shout-outs to Tea Party groups. I am morbidly amused by the "Dems never pander to minorities" line, but, sadly, all leftists think like that. What can you do? Good for him for being honest... ish?

Anyway, this should be worth a few laughs:


Way to cover it... when Occupy is discredited. Nice to know you're still behind the 8-Ball, DC. How many DC writers have supported Occupy, do you know, Avi? I wish I kept track, but I do remember Gail Simone really didn't like Frank Miller criticizing the group, or I think so. Feel free to refresh my memory.

And well done, Hube. Must have been... interesting, dealing with Slott like that.

Thanks, and I just added a post about the Occupy-ish comic soon coming out from DC as well.

Killer Moth: Yeah, Simone was pretty nasty toward Miller when he blasted the Occupy movement in 2011. I know Archie Comics has been pandering to the Occupy movement recently, too... kind of odd considering that's supposed to be a humor comic.

What Dan Slott doesn't seem to get is that there's a difference between standing up for your beliefs and then being a tool and needlessly alienating fans.

The tweet about the GOP nicely demonstrates that.

Wasn't it Michael Jordan who famously said, "Republicans buy shoes, too."

There's a way to articulate a set of deeply held values, while still being respectful of fans who disagree with you. Maybe one day Mr. Slott will learn that lesson.

And Jordan is a big Dem, too, but he was right, "Republicans buy shoes, too," so he couldn't afford to alienate anyone. Sadly, comic people or Hollyweird don't want to listen to common sense, because, hey, it feels good to intellectually masturbate lukewarm ideas with a shrinking audience. Can liberal comic fans really carry the numbers? Don't think so....

And thank you for the memory refresher, Carl. As for Archie, good thing its Mega Man and Sonic titles are good, because, yeah, Archie itself is dangerously wandering into leftist hack domain, and good luck getting out of that.

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  • From Jerusalem, Israel
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