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Wednesday, June 04, 2014 

Rob Liefeld hopes his ideas will go Hollywood

Gee, it sure looks like comicdom's worst artist is hoping some of the sloppy ideas he worked on two decades ago will be turned into movie productions, and at least one apparently could be, but was delayed:
[...] But what about the other projects connected to this cinematic universe that were announced prior to the release of the latest installment, like ‘X-Force’? Well, according to prominent comic creator Rob Liefeld, things have come to a halt on that front.

[...] Liefeld seems to think that because of ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’, which was teased in the post-credits of the new take on the classic Chris Claremont story, ‘X-Force’ has been disrupted.
I've seen how Hollywood can resort to some pretty mediocre source material for the sake of making movies, and I'll just say that, while it's their prerogative to choose the material, they're still making a big mistake to give Liefeld any satisfaction. The audience certainly will if they take to any project based on his bungling concepts. Liefeld isn't just a bad artist, he's one of the most shameless, and it's sad how mainstream publishers still give him work to do.

An X-Force movie based on his work may have been shelved for now, but they'd do better to just abandon it altogether, and not give Liefeld awards he doesn't deserve. It was a weak series, symbolic of 90s badness, and doesn't make for a good movie premise.

Update: The Hollywood Reporter and Graeme McMillan are giving this charlatan some unwarranted attention too, but does note how mind-numbing the background of one of Liefeld's co-creations is:
In comic book continuity, Cable and Apocalypse are curiously linked; the former time-travels to the present day to prevent the awakening of the latter from an induced sleep, but in the process actually causes said awakening. It was later revealed that Cable was the result of an attempt to create someone who could kill Apocalypse, but that he only became the man he is today due to machinations against him by Apocalypse himself.
That's just the problem with Cable: the whole premise is stupefyingly incomprehensible, and it's worth noting that Age of Apocalypse was one of the poorest crossovers of the 1990s. And seriously, what continuity is there? However, McMillan goes on to say:
In other words, the two characters belong together, to some degree, making Liefeld’s surprise that his creation won’t appear in the 2016 movie slightly more understandable.
I don't think so. It only makes it all the more bewildering why Fox Studios would want to adapt it in the first place when it's one of the most difficult stories to figure out. If they're smart, they'll can this joke and never bother to make what could become a guaranteed money loser.

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Can't you think of another artist besides Liefeld to bash? Its not like he's the only artist during that ear!


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