There may never be a sequel to Roger Rabbit...because of his wife?
Even though the script exists, the director thinks it’s exceedingly unlikely it will ever be shot, since Disney owns the rights to it, and “the current corporate Disney culture has no interest in Roger, and they certainly don’t like Jessica at all.”We can only guess why. She's drawn too voluptuously for their tastes. And this is probably nothing new either. After the original movie, there were a handful of cartoon features produced starring Roger (one installment was titled "Tummy Trouble"), but afterwards, all the buzz collapsed and Disney Corp. never made any attempt to capitalize on it in the years following, even though it was produced through the Touchstone studio affiliate, and wasn't intended as mere children's stuff, but a film for older viewers. In today's SJW-infected climate, the biggest problem is that tasteful presentations of heterosexuality are considered abominable. Yet homosexuality is allowed, no matter how distasteful that is by contrast. The most galling thing is that the SJWs actually agree with Frederic Wertham in the worst selective ways possible. Quite a few of the commenters to this article on Yahoo seem to understand what's going on, and one said:
Now if Jessica was a Tranny, they would be all about it.Being aware of their MO today, yeah, they probably would. Another quoted a notable line from the mouth of the cartoon lady in the film:
"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way" - love Jessica RabbitThe sheer irony is that today's Disney executives take both dim views. Another said:
Cuz Disney is a bunch of gay blades.Certainly today. And another noted:
Hires millions of scantily clad teenagers to parade, dance, and sing. Doesn't like a voluptuous cartoon character.Now that's a weird double-standard, right? And again, Who Framed Roger Rabbit is supposed to be aimed at older audiences, not tots.
To be fair, a sequel to Roger Rabbit would probably fail in any event because it's been nearly 3 decades since it was produced, and not many people may care about it now, even if they liked it the first time around. And there's no telling if the script Zemeckis wrote is as entertaining either. But to refuse one simply because they think Jessica Rabbit is toxic - and consider the anthropomorphic star of the show equally crappy - is idiotic and far from a good business model.
Labels: animation, censorship issues, misogyny and racism, politics
Your forgetting one critical factor: the movie was a combined vehicle for both Warner and Disney characters.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:23 PM
And other companies too. For example Betty Boop and Woody Woodpecker both have cameos, but the Warner Bros. and Disney crowd got more and longer cameos because they're the popular one.
Posted by
ShadowWing Tronix |
9:54 PM