Marvel still shows no sign of apologizing to Cap fans
If fans thought it was bad when Captain America uttered his famous “Hail Hydra” last year, or hoped it was all a case of brainwashing or re-writing history… we have some bad news: Steve Rogers is, and always was, evil. Rather than walking the reveal back as a case of Cosmic Cube reality-warping, as Marvel seemed to do already, Secret Empire #0 reveals the entire truth. Apparently, the controversial launch of the new Captain America: Steve Rogers story was all building to the reveal that Cap was never a hero. Not for a second.After reading this, I have to conclude the article writer's not a hero either. What "truth" is there here? It makes no difference how you cut it, this is a retcon, and they know it, even if Axel Alonso and company won't admit it. No matter what you do with a fictional story's past settings, it doesn't change what was established in the past. Not for a split second. That is not "truth" any more than the equally unreadable The Truth: Red, White and Black miniseries from 2003, one of the early efforts by Joe Quesada to humiliate Jack Kirby and Joe Simon's creation.
Oh, and their use of the word "famous" rather than "notorious" is also pretty irritating.
It’s a bit baffling, since this reveal will almost certainly enrage those who felt somewhat offended by the reveal that Steve Rogers was a Hydra sleeper agent. Those who were deeply outraged, and insulted that Marvel’s editors and writer Nick Spencer would ally Marvel’s mascot with the Nazi-connected Hydra – promises to “hear the story out” aside – may be likely to stop reading altogether."Somewhat"? Even if Cap's a fictional character, does that mean we're supposed to just sit back and put up with this? And why should this be called a "reveal", rather than a story setup or something like that? Funny thing is, they do acknowledge here it's the writers/editors who're truly at fault, so it's regrettable they're making it sound as though it's some real life incident simultaneously by using words like "reveal". But, they're right about the audience no longer wanting to read what they're forcing down everyone's throats, and no sane person should pick up any part of Secret Empire, even if at the end, it's all reversed. What is clear is that Quesada, Alonso, among several others undeservedly making money on their payroll, have to be removed. Their presence alone will only ensure people stay away too.
Labels: bad editors, Captain America, marvel comics, moonbat artists, moonbat writers, msm propaganda, politics, violence
Hopefully they'll fix Steve Rogers in this new Legacy" thing they're promoting. I know it doesn't redeem the prior abomination, but at least it would be putting things back to they way they should be.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:50 AM