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Tuesday, June 19, 2018 

ASM #500 & #509: what's different in these pictures from the original Gwen Stacy curtain call?

Here's two page scans I found from J. Michael Stracynski's run on Spider-Man that are but an example of what I found so alienating about his work. They both involve a certain young lady whose decent image was soiled in a certainly storyline called Sins Past. First comes from what was the 500th issue:
And then, a scene from the 509th issue:
Now what do these scenes flashing back to the time the Green Goblin knocked Gwen Stacy off the bridge in NYC have that differs? Well, she's wide awake and in a state of horror, that much is obvious. And how does it differ from the original story in that regard? That in 1973's notable story, Gwen was unconscious, if not entirely dead, and to depict her wide awake in Straczynski's renditions has an unpleasant reek to it. All to add more shock value, I suppose? Or maybe to make Peter look worse than need be, since his web unintentionally caused Gwen's neck to break when she fell off the bridge with the force of gravity causing harder impact? I just don't like what JMS did here, it's one of the worst examples in his ignorance of history, as was the retcon to make Gwen look like a brainless tart by sleeping with Norman Osborn. Lest we forget, Mary Jane Watson was also made to look bad by keeping an illogical secret from Peter.

This is why JMS should never be allowed near Spidey ever again, and I don't think his work's aged well at all.

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The idea to have Gwen sleep with Norman wasn't Straczynski's; it was imposed on him by editorial fiat. He had wanted Peter to be the parent of Gwen's kids, but it was decided higher-up that made Spider-Man seem too old.

What Anon said.

In a back-up story leading to Clone Conspiracy, it was retconned that Gwen was basically conscious the whole time, as to overhear Peter and Norman fighting -- it matters as this is how she knows Peter is Spider-Man, which is to set-up their future meeting in CC -- but was in too much shock to physically move or fully wake up, etc. Something like that.

I didn't read that part of Sins Past, so didn't know the flashback art retconned Gwen as awake during that. But then, CC somewhat reset the button, anyway, so it's a little of both worlds -- she's conscious, she just looks knocked out. Close enough?

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  • I'm Avi Green
  • From Jerusalem, Israel
  • I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comics when I was young, the first being Fantastic Four. I maintain a strong belief in the public's right to knowledge and accuracy in facts. I like to think of myself as a conservative-style version of Clark Kent. I don't expect to be perfect at the job, but I do my best.
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