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Wednesday, July 11, 2018 

One of Marvel's worst writers is now working for Archie

The good news? Mark Waid's leaving Archie's products. The bad news? Nick Spencer's taking over the reins:
Mark Waid is stepping away from Archie for the first time since it was relaunched, and writer Nick Spencer and artist Marguerite Sauvage will take over the iconic title just in time for its 700th issue.

And, yes, the series will get its original numbering back [...]
So much like Marvel and DC, Archie's just proven their relaunch from a few years prior was only for the sake of publicity and sales stunts, and would restore the original numbering when it reached a milestone in its 700th so they could try another artificial sales boost. Not impressive, and another good reason to avoid their modern products.
“Getting to write Archie is more than a dream come true for me," Spencer said in a statement. "I’ve loved reading the exploits of the whole Riverdale gang my entire life, and getting to now tell their stories myself is a real honor. And launching with a milestone 700th issue! It doesn’t get better than that....Well, it does actually— I’m working with Marguerite Sauvage, one of the best artists in comics! Everyone involved in this project has such a passion for these characters, and it’s our sincere hope to honor the legacy of what’s come before while moving boldly into the future with twists and surprises like you’ve never seen before!”
I don't know enough about artist Sauvage, but Spencer, as the leading scribe for the Captain America-as-nazi/Hydra agent debacle at Marvel, isn't somebody I'd trust to "honor" legacies, as he didn't honor that of Kirby/Simon. Much like the now embarrassing Waid, Spencer's another reason to avoid Archie books he writes as much as the Marvel books he wrote, and if he could be that bad on previous projects, then to say he "loves" them rings hollow.

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