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Sunday, October 28, 2018 

Lois Lane almost returns (without son), but Bendis is still sidelining her

In this IGN article, it's informed that Lois Lane's come back to Earth, without hers and Superman's son, but Bendis, predictably, still disappoints in Action Comics #1004:
Things haven't been going well for Superman lately when it comes to his personal life as Clark Kent. The recent Man of Steel miniseries revealed that Lois and their son Jon departed on an extended journey into space with Jor-El. Making matters worse, Clark has since learned that Lois returned to Earth without Jon and without even letting her husband know her whereabouts.

Why is Lois giving Clark the cold shoulder? Lois reveals the whole truth in this issue as she finally reunites with her husband. She left Jon in space with his grandfather after deciding that she was merely holding her son back due to her lack of powers. She feels that Jon can grow far more as a hero and a Kryptonian by remaining with his grandfather for the time being.

As for why she's been keeping a low profile since returning to Earth, Lois reveals that she's feeling frustrated at how much her journalism career has taken a backseat to her responsibilities as a mother and a wife. While she doesn't want to end her relationship with Clark, she does want enough space to finish her book and reestablish her reputation as a crusading reporter.
My my, so what we have here is overt feminism making its way into Bendis' scripts, even as he still doubtlessly has no regrets over the loathsome tales he told when he was working at Marvel, including the time the Hood assaulted Tigra for shock's sake. It's one thing if they want to jettison the son, but the way Bendis has handled Lois is nothing short of biased and insulting to the intellect, much like how he handled almost any Marvel woman he got his mitts on. There's tons of married lady reporters who've accomplished a career without the wedlock impeding on their aspirations, so Bendis is just looking for excuses to kick Lois to the curb for as long as he remains the undeserved scriptwriter for Superman. Though it does hint the backlash to his sidelining of Kal-El's lady fair must've led him to decide to backtrack at least halfway.

But the way he's handled things so far does nothing for the Superman lore, and it's clear he has no idea where he's going even now, except down the social justice route to nowhere.

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