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Wednesday, October 17, 2018 

Mojo gets the fans' words put in his mouth

The writers of X-Men: Black (specifically, Zac Thompson and Scott Aukerman) exploited the special spotlighting Mojo so the villainous variation on a TV game show host could spout the valid arguments of the superhero fans:
In addition, it's clear the third panel presented is an allusion to the US government's fight against illegal immigration and interlopers exploiting children who may not even be their own. What really irritates me about the Mojo dialect is how the writers are declaring the audience sick, twisted villains, in a way. As a result, if there's any X-Men title this year that should be boycotted, it's this one.

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"the valid arguments of the superhero fans"

Superhero fans are not a monolith. Some like some of the new characters, others like all of them. Some people like Thor for the storyline, whether it is Jane or the blonde guy who is taking the lead for a few issues; some like Shuri as much as they like T'Challa. Nobody has conducted a census and nobody knows how many fans would agree with the kind of arguments that Mojo makes, but it seems like a small minority.

The problem is that the older characters have been written by so many people over so many years that they are no longer fresh and their personalities have become blurred. No matter who writes Spider-Man, it is never going to be as exciting as when Stan Lee wrote it; everything since then is imitation. No matter how good a writer you put on it, he is writing someone else's character, not his own. But put someone else in the suit, and sometimes you have something uncharted and interesting. Often it is just a cheap excuse to rewrite the same old stories with a new face, but sometimes it clicks.

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