Brazil municipality bars Marvel book emphasizing homosexuality
In an unexpected move, Rio de Janeiro mayor Marcelo Crivella has announced that the translated edition of the Marvel comic book series Avengers: The Children’s Crusade would be removed from the literary festival Riocentro Bienal do Livro so as to protect the city’s children from what he described as “sexual content for minors.”Sounds to me like the trade journal's trying to defend this cheap sensationalism simply because it doesn't involve actual intercourse in beds. Sorry, but that defense doesn't impress me.
The so-called sexual content in question is an on-panel kiss between two male characters, Wiccan and Hulkling, who are in committed relationship. Both characters are clothed in the scene.
Crivella made the announcement on Twitter, in a video where he says, “Books like this need to be wrapped in black sealed plastic with a content warning displayed on the outside.” In ordering the removal of the title, he claims that the city’s authorities are “protecting the minors of our city.” In the text of the tweet itself, he describes the contents of the comic as “content that is unsuitable for minors.”In a way, yes, smutty books like that one are aimed at children, even as populations decline in various places. On which note, when you see SJWs opposing heterosexual elements and calling to censor them based on the allegation it's to "protect children", don't buy into their pathetic defense, because if birthrates are plunging in any particular part of the country/world, then there's not many children to protect from supposed harm, and besides, if they got no serious issues with graphic violence - which could also include sexual assault despite their supposed claims to the contrary - then that just exposes their hypocrisy. Why, come to think of it, the very propaganda in such comics is what can lead to population declines to boot.
Crivella’s tweet followed an Instagram post from Rio de Janeiro councilman Alexandre Isquierdo, decrying the book and complaining that it was “spread[ing] homosexuality to CHILDREN!” (Emphasis his.) The sale of the book, he complained, was “an absurd crime.”
If anything, there should be a clear description of what elements can be found in the book, beginning with a rating system that'd be honest about the content, and parents definitely need to check the products before deciding if it's suitable for their children. Maybe better still would be if somebody were to argue that criticism of homosexuality and its downsides should be allowed in entertainment as much as anything else, because the "Children's Crusade" obviously doesn't have any.
And if the book were barred in Islamic countries based on the content, something tells me the Hollywood Reporter wouldn't even have said anything. Their article, from what I can tell, isn't altruistic.
Update: regrettably, a judge later barred the mayor from having the book banned at events where children could be present:
A Brazilian judge has blocked the evangelical mayor of Rio de Janeiro from trying to ban a Marvel comic book which shows a kiss between two male superheroes.What kind of people see this as something to uphold at all costs to the point they'd buy it, assuming that's true? I admit freedom of expression is important, but it shouldn't come at the expense of children's sanity, or anybody else's, for that matter. And would they make this kind of a fuss if a product with heterosexuality on full display were the item banned at festivals? Something tells me they wouldn't.
The authorities must "refrain from confiscating works based on their content, especially those which deal with homosexuality," judge Heleno Nunes ruled Friday, granting an interim injunction after finding an apparent contradiction with the constitutional right to freedom of expression.
Copies of the book, "Young Avengers: the Children's Crusade," had sold out after the mayor demanded it be withdrawn from Rio's book fair, organizers told AFP.
Anyway, the ruling was partially overturned more in the mayor's favor:
The raid also kicked up lots of backlash for the mayor — from festival organizers, publishing houses, comedians and, finally, the Brazilian courts. On Friday, a judge barred Mr. Crivella from further seizure efforts or any attempt to withdraw the festival’s permit, a ruling that was partly overturned on Saturday.If anything, such books shouldn't be marketed to children, and should at least have a rating and description making clear the content. Better still, parents themselves should figure out how to explain to their children why this is abnormal, and how the SJWs pushing this stuff want to make it seem otherwise.
[...] Festival organizers tried a bit of reality altering themselves on Friday when they took the mayor to court, winning an injunction against efforts to bar the book. The judge cited the organizers’ constitutional right to free expression, but his ruling was partly reversed on Saturday when a second judge said that gay and lesbian content for children should not be publicly displayed.
Update 2: One Angry Gamer has more clarification:
However, that’s not really the whole story.And that's what apologists for Marvel's propaganda won't consider. Decent education for children is something they never take into account, in all their twisted beliefs of what's acceptable.
You see, it had less to do with the gay kiss and more to do with warning labels.
Brazilian outlet Estadao goes more in-depth about the matter, explaining that fictional media that contains sexual content aimed at kids need to have warning labels. This is actually part of Brazilian law, specifically the Statute of the Child and Adolescent.
Labels: Avengers, conventions, marvel comics, moonbat artists, moonbat writers, msm propaganda, politics
The mayor did Marvel a favor. The book fair got an injunction against the mayor's ban, and the book sold out because of the publicity.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:13 PM
I doubt it was kids, the traditional audience for superheroes, buying it.
It was woke adults.
Marvel is doing a very good job rebranding themselves in print as a brand for homos.
Anyone who has done any research into LGBT activism knows that it is full of people who are hostile to the heterosexual family. It's not the gay kiss that is the problem but the concurrent subversion of the family as (outdated, oppressive, hetero-normative, and "binary").
Here is synopsis of the book fair.
"The book fair, which concludes Sunday, will host events on topics including “happiness, science, motherhood, theater, trans literature, LGBTQA+ and more,” according to the Instagram post." It already isn't family friendly, despite the topic about "motherhood". The mayor is doing too little, too late. This a show that will be attended by "educated" people. All the wealthy (educated) people in Brazil are most likely indoctrinated into lgbt lifestyle if they have gone to college (especially) and the history of the Christian right in this country will most likely follow the history of the Christian right in America. It will be done away with when Israel no longer needs its support.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:08 AM
I always suspected that the Christian right was a false flag operation, and it has finally been confirmed. There were obvious clues - the use of the old Testament in their Bible, the worship of a jewish guy as a secret way to get non_jews to look upon jews with favour. I am amazed at the perspicacity of this commentator - Hitler despised Christianity as a religion of weaklings, but even he never saw beneath it to its true face.
Meanwhile, sleeper squads of Israeli assassins are already in place in major American cities, waiting for the word to become activated and remove Christian rightists from the equation as soon as Israel no longer needs their support. Except of course for Bill Keller and Pat Robertson, who will be given the opportunity to return home to Haifa with secret medals for their service to the country, where they will live happily at last but under assumed names.
I have also noticed how many engineers and dentists have been indoctrinated into the gay lifestyle by their college education. Don't let those dentists put their hands in your mouth.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:44 PM
by indoctrinate , I mean they will not question any of the demands that militant LGBT activists (they got rid of the moderates )make.
They will not question whether it is okay for a convicted criminal to get a sex change operation on the taxpayer's dime.
They will not question whether gay pride parades can ever be lewd or obscene.
They treat gay people as a protected class who can do no wrong.
Telling gay men to stop knowingly transmit A.I.D.S is a form of oppression.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:04 PM
Time was when convicted male criminals were forced against their will to take female sex hormones. Think of Alan Turing.
The problem with describing the position of an un-named ‘they’ is that it slides so easily into complete fiction and fabrication. If the enemy is fictional, you cannot fact-check anything they are supposed to have said, and they turn into some weird monster with no real-life equivalent. College educated people are debating and questioning all of the things you listed; the point of college is to teach people to ask questions.
It is illegal in most jurisdictions to knowingly transmit AIDS. It can expose you to civil lawsuits and criminal prosecution. Nobody who is at all serious thinks it is a form of oppression to put obstacles in the path of people doing that, whether they are gay men or straight people who are the ones infected. There is an argument that criminalizing transmission will make gay men protect themselves by not getting tested, preserving their ignorance of their status so that they cannot be accused of knowingly transmitting the virus, and that this increases rather than reduces transmission rates. But that is an epidemiological debate, not one about oppression.
Gay people as a protected class who can do no wrong? Try telling that to Lindsay Graham; he was certainly not protected when all the old rumours about his sexuality made it into the mainstream media.
And isn't the lewdness of gay pride parades part of the fun? It is like saying Mardi Gras has to be made safe for the kids. There are times and places where it is appropriate to be lewd, a point that this blog has made repeatedly in its discussions of sexuality in comics, and a gay pride parade is one of those places.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:16 AM
So, you think that Brazil is what all countries should be like, with so many rights being undermined and repressed like labor, health, education, and culture? How many other books have been banned by this guy?
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:35 PM
Yeah,we think places where homos like you aren't allowed to talk about being gay constantly is what all countries should be like.
Importing a huge number of Muslim refugees into Europe will change things sooner than you think.
Your days are numbered, homo.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:23 AM
"Decent education for children is something they never take into account, in all their twisted beliefs of what's acceptable."
Truer words had never been spoken. And it's not just Marvel propagandists that adhere to that line of thinking. Hideo Kojima, for example pretty much pitched a fit when the ESRB rated his game Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker "T" especially when he was gunning for it being rated "E" (he wanted to market the game to schoolchildren, hence why school pop yellow was a frequent color for the marketing of the game, and he largely succeeded in his home country of Japan of marketing it to children via the PSP). You can read it here:
That game included quite a few indecent education for children, such as painting the Sandinistas' drug trade in Central America in a sympathetic light at the very least, promoting the likes of Che Guevara as being a sinless man who could do no wrong while completely ignoring how he nearly orchestrated World War III during the Cuban Missile Crisis, praising of the May 1968 riots in France and its various stuff, including "free love" and tearing down the social mores of their parents, even implying they did a far better job than the Hippies in America or a similar student movement in Japan, and, yes, quite a few bits on homosexuality promotion (like with the character Strangelove who is an open lesbian [well, okay, technically she's bisexual due to her apparently going for Huey Emmerich in the ending, but still...], not to mention there's a mission where Miller and Big Boss date and are implied to have engaged in sex afterward, and bear in mind, both characters are male.). Oh yeah, and there was a reference to a wild party at MSF that got lewd pretty quickly.
Posted by
eotness |
6:58 AM
One of the anonymouses said:
'Importing a huge number of Muslim refugees into Europe will change things sooner than you think.'
So all this talk about the great replacement means that gays are going to be replaced by straight people? Is that why Milo and Richard Spencer are so upset?
It really depends on who assimilates who; will Muslim immigrants become westernized, or will the West become Islamicized, or will it be something inbetween? My bet is that in 50 years the Muslim mayor of Hamburg is going to be complaining about letting in too many American and Russian refugees, because all the American and Russian newcomers speak German with funny accents and have bigoted homophobic attitudes that are incompatible with German culture.
That is the way immigration and assimilation work; nobody puts more enthusiasm into the 4th of July than immigrant families.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:20 PM
The new Kojima game is rated in Japan for 15 years old and up, so I don't think he succeeded in marketing it to children by PSP. And there is nothing in the website referenced that says he threw a fit over the rating; he just sounds a bit wistful that the kids can't enjoy it.
According to the excerpt of his tweet in the web article:
“This time around we wanted to go for a ‘T’ rating since it’s on the PSP. There is no bloodshed effects so the younger crowd can enjoy it as well. But the MGS world and theme lives on. The script is seriously written…anti-nuke and anti-war with the nuclear deterrence theory as the backbone. Wish it could of been ‘E.’”
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:30 PM
What does homo have to do with labor or education rights?
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:55 PM
Isn't Brazil where the Nazis are supposed to be hanging out since WWII? Or is it the Japanese?
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:56 PM
they are not going to assimilate if they are being told that assimilation means abandoning their culture and submitting to white supremacy by their progressive teachers.
No one is calling for Muslims to adopt white liberal attitudes towards homos. They recently protested lgbt sex education at a school in Britain. Homos can't do anything because scolding them for not accepting and celebrating gay sex is white supremacy
no one shows less enthusiasm for the fourth of july than immigrants who have no ties to America and only showed up because the alternative was starvation or murder back at home. they are often too busy working low wage jobs to celebrate the fourth of july.
what's next are you going to claim not-Christians follow the teachings of Christ better than Christians bc "they really know what it's like to be oppressed"?
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:10 PM
"No one is calling for Muslims to adopt white liberal attitudes towards homos. They recently protested lgbt sex education at a school in Britain. Homos can't do anything because scolding them for not accepting and celebrating gay sex is white supremacy"
It is true that Homosexual advocacy is mostly a white thing, a characteristic of white European and American culture. Assimilation takes time; the kids of those Muslim immigrants will be more westernized and accepting of the gay aspects of European culture. As those parents recognize. That is why they are protesting. "no one shows less enthusiasm for the fourth of july than immigrants who have no ties to America and only showed up because the alternative was starvation or murder back at home. they are often too busy working low wage jobs to celebrate the fourth of july."
When did hard work become unamerican? The bulk of the US population (apart from the black population, who were brought here for different reasons) are here only because the alternative for them or their ancestors was starvation or murder back home. They tended to be appreciative of the country that took them in, more than the long established guys who take it for granted. "what's next are you going to claim not-Christians follow the teachings of Christ better than Christians bc "they really know what it's like to be oppressed"?"
I guess you don't know the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:58 AM
"No one is calling for Muslims to adopt white liberal attitudes towards homos. They recently protested lgbt sex education at a school in Britain. Homos can't do anything because scolding them for not accepting and celebrating gay sex is white supremacy"
It is true that Homosexual advocacy is mostly a white thing, a characteristic of white European and American culture. Assimilation takes time; the kids of those Muslim immigrants will be more westernized and accepting of the gay aspects of European culture. As those parents recognize. That is why they are protesting.
"no one shows less enthusiasm for the fourth of july than immigrants who have no ties to America and only showed up because the alternative was starvation or murder back at home. they are often too busy working low wage jobs to celebrate the fourth of july."
When did hard work become unamerican? The bulk of the US population (apart from the black population, who were brought here for different reasons) are here only because the alternative for them or their ancestors was starvation or murder back home. They tended to be appreciative of the country that took them in, more than the long established guys who take it for granted.
"what's next are you going to claim not-Christians follow the teachings of Christ better than Christians bc "they really know what it's like to be oppressed"?"
I guess you don't know the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:59 AM
assimilation is NOT going to happen because progressives, who run schools, and government are perusing an anti-assimilation policies where no cultural norms of Muslims can be challenged.
This time is different. This isn't white European Christians immigrating and mixing with each other. The people coming here are people who are coming from countries that they blame the U.S. for ruining. They have real grievances against White culture and will not accept advocacy.
there is no blueprint for making large numbers of muslims abandon their values. ur done, homo.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:33 AM
You have to admit, it is funny to watch white nationalists cheering the invasion of the Muslim hordes because they think it will rid them of the Moho menace and restore traditional values.
Assimilation does work. That is why we have Muslim congresswomen and comic book executives.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:14 PM
keep dreaming, maggot. non-whites are considerably more conservative on homo rights than whites.
African Americans have been in the United States for hundreds of years and would never have voted for gay marriage if they could have voted for it separately.
counting on non-white people to give up their culture and adopt the behavior and attitudes of white coastal rich liberals is not gonna happen.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:30 PM
Now now, no swearing allowed here. We're supposed to be respectful members of society, not like the degenerates that Green like to pick apart in his arguments.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:37 PM
Assimilation doesnt happen because you are told to assimilate; it is a process of osmosis, of hanging out with friends and with picking up social codes, and watching movies and tv and people in school and on the street. It catches you by surprise. The people who seem foreign to us because they retain some customs from back home are equally foreign to the people back home, because of the customs they have picked up from us.
Ms Marvel is threatening not because she is so Muslim, but because she is so assimilated; she is an ordinary American teenager who loves video games and has an Italian boyfriend and hangs out with Jews, Muslims and Protestants. People who want Mustlims to keep their distance are more troubled by the Muslim who is part of society than the one who stays outside it, exactly because they are the ones who enter into the conversation and claim a place in society.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:06 PM
yes, it does. there are plenty of groups that refuse to assimilate or cannot.
African Americans don't want to be "white".
Native Americans wanted to retain their culture and lifestyle
Gypsies in Europe.
I can list many many more instances of cultures not always blending together
"Ms Marvel is threatening not because she is so Muslim, but because she is so assimilated"
use A fictional COMIC BOOK WRITTEN BY A WHITE WOMAN WHO HAS GIVEN UP HER OWN CULTURAL HERITAGE, to prove assimilation is "osmosis" and not forced. u live in fantasy world.
" We're supposed to be respectful members of society" muslims will not restore traditional values, they will just kill you being a homo.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:05 AM
It is silly to talk about black people "assimilating". They have been here for hundreds of years, and American culture now is as much black as it is white. On the one hand, they have adopted a lot from European immigrants, like, say, the English language and Christianity. On the other hand, they have profoundly shaped American music, culture and literature.
A lot of people act threatened by this fictional character Kamala. Just search this blog, for starters. Ideas can be threatening to people. She is an idea that is threatening to people.
The writer of the book adopted Islam as a religion, but she still has strong ties to western philosophy and literature. She has not given up her cultural heritage, and she does not seem to share the ideology of extreme Muslim fundamentalists.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:38 PM
How can Kamala be that big a threat when she's so boring? I thought propaganda was supposed to excite you about something, not make it as dull as watching paint dry.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:20 PM
women who get involved in anything remotely intellectual want to believe they are intimidating to men.
Fear. Jealousy. Surely, that's what drives men's reactions to their macaroni craft art.
"It is silly to talk about black people "assimilating". They have been here for hundreds of years, and American culture now is as much black as it is white. On the one hand, they have adopted a lot from European immigrants, like, say, the English language and Christianity. On the other hand, they have profoundly shaped American music, culture and literature. "
No, they haven't. Everything people like about America was a contribution of Europeans. You can't apply the one drop rule to say small inputs from a tiny number of blacks is equal to profound.
It's not silly to talk about black people assimilating. only someone who is retarded would say that. It's obvious to everyone except you that their problems come from their inability and unwillingness to assimilate.
ditto, for native americans.
"How can Kamala be that big a threat when she's so boring? I thought propaganda was supposed to excite you about something, not make it as dull as watching paint dry." because the grown-folk who keep telling us how great she is and how important she is have nothing going for them. all they can do is get exploit white guilt among white liberals. they believe their own hype but are frustrated why they aren't receiving more accolades for patting each other on the back.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:20 AM
"It's obvious to everyone except you that their problems come from their inability and unwillingness to assimilate."
Absolutely right. If we were only willing to hang out with whites, talk like Hanna Montana, and give up our hoodies, European-Americans would welcome us with open arms, hire us ahead of all the members of the old boys network, cops would tip their caps instead of frisking us without warrant. If we had only assimilated years ago, we would never have needed a civil rights movement. And there would never have been a Civil War.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:53 PM
"How can Kamala be that big a threat when she's so boring? I thought propaganda was supposed to excite you about something, not make it as dull as watching paint dry"
If you want explosions every page, gore dripping out of peolple's heads, and lots of existential angst, then she is boring. But remember the core audience is meant to be young girls and adolescents, not middle age militia members. It is clever and funny, with good characterization and good visuals; the early issues were drawn by one of marvel's top artists. It gives you some food for thought, definitely above average for a Marvel comic. The newest series by Ahmed is run of the mill by comparison, but might get better as he gets more into the characters.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:07 AM call what's happening in that book "good characterization and good visuals"?
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:33 PM
"you call what's happening in that book "good characterization and good visuals"?"
yes, for girls, meaning grown adult women in academia who order trade paperbacks of ya/sjw comics for libraries, the type of women who have no sense of humor and think everything is problematic.
If you are a man, you are no longer welcome in comics, unless you are a craven homosexual who hyperventilates at the thought of "white america".
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:48 PM
"Absolutely right. If we were only willing to hang out with whites, talk like Hanna Montana, and give up our hoodies, European-Americans would welcome us with open arms, hire us ahead of all the members of the old boys network, cops would tip their caps instead of frisking us without warrant. If we had only assimilated years ago, we would never have needed a civil rights movement. And there would never have been a Civil War."
Thank you for admitting that assimilation, like Communism, never has and never will work. The old "boys" network also allows the daughters of wealthy men and women to hire their friends and family. Black people prefer to hire other blacks. College educated people prefer to hire other college-educated people, regardless of whether a college degree is needed to do a job or not. Liberals prefer to hire other liberals.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:01 PM
Well I agree with the fact its a boring-ass book with no redeeming features whatsoever. If this is what Green calls a threat, I hate to see what he thinks is an active menace.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:14 AM
"Thank you for admitting that assimilation, like Communism, never has and never will work."
Do you really think that white people are all so bigoted that they will never accept people of other colors no matter how alike they are in every other respect?
At any rate, asking whether assimilation works is like asking whether a valley works. They just are; that is the reality of the country right now.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:36 PM
""yes, for girls, meaning grown adult women in academia who order trade paperbacks of ya/sjw comics for libraries, the type of women who have no sense of humor and think everything is problematic. If you are a man, you are no longer welcome in comics, unless you are a craven homosexual who hyperventilates at the thought of "white america"."
Absolutely right. I mean, no-one would be reading Punisher: Kill Krew! If it weren't for those beguilingly sexy left-leaning pacifist librarians pushing it on the innocent readership who patronize their institutions.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:59 AM
I'm guessing Punisher Kill Krew is yet another crap copy of Ennis' inane run?
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:25 PM
"Punisher: Kill Krew! If it weren't for those beguilingly sexy left-leaning pacifist librarians pushing it on the innocent readership who patronize their institutions."
You just outed yourself as one of those lgbt obsessed librarians.
No one is reading Punisher: Kill Krew. It's not being ordered by librarians. It's not something they would recommend to "middle-school" girls. It's one of those comics Marvel released to crowd the shelves and in the hopes some aging fan boys would remember Grant Morrison's Skull Kill Krew and buy it to complete their collection. It's a cynical souless comic made for no one's enjoyment.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:39 PM