Heather Antos thinks she knows better than Gina Carano
Seems more like Antos sought an excuse to smear Republicans as the only evil in the neighborhood. She must also be oblivious to how "nazi" is acronym for National Socialists, the very ideology she seems to consider acceptable. By the way, wasn't Antos one of the people who originally took a lenient view of the now ousted Dark Horse editor Scott Allie, and only shunned him after the news he'd assaulted another woman over 2 decades ago made headlines? All that aside, I'm disgusted if Antos is trying to speak for me, because she does not, and the way she conducted business in the past several years in comicdom is despicable. As a result, this latest stunt of hers only makes the situation worse.People didn't ask to be born Jewish. People CHOSE to be Republican. They CHOSE to be a Nazi.
— Heather Antos (@HeatherAntos) February 11, 2021
She should be ashamed.
Anyway, since we're on the topic of Carano, Lucasfilm/Disney's firing her - yet refusing to do the same with Pedro Pascal for his own grotesque postings on social media - is certainly quite a way to sully everyone's perception of the Mandalorian TV show, because now, even if the series itself isn't ideologically driven like the Star Wars movies overseen by Kathleen Kennedy, the politics of the producers, Jon Favreau included, will put a whole cloud over the production, and could jeopardize ratings. But, if Lucasfilm as we know it is now run by somebody as reprehensible as Kennedy turned out to be (IIRC, she's a former colleague of Steven Spielberg, also quite a boilerplate leftist), that's why it may be best not to do favors for their TV adaptations any more than Star Wars movie sequels, and not even for the licensed merchandise, which just saw cancellation of action figures based on Carano's Cara Dune character. She's taking things well though, and is going to work on a project funded mostly by Ben Shapiro. Some people are bound to reevaluate what they think of Mandalorian as a result of this flap, and maybe in the long run, it'll be for the best. When leftist producers go this far, they're only tarnishing the series' reputation. I wouldn't count on comic book adaptations doing very well at this point either, even if Marvel were still publishing more of them than they actually are now.
Labels: bad editors, Europe and Asia, misogyny and racism, politics
Carano wasn't fired for talking about Hitler; she was fired for making light of Hitler's atrocities by making them seem no different from the bickering of modern American politics. Hitler didn't just begin with getting neighbors to say bad things about other neighbors. He began with laws prohibiting Jews from working in the professions and many other jobs, denying them normal access to higher education, from marrying or having sex with Aryans, as well as circulating really vile propaganda that exceeds the boundaries even of Trump talk.
You are defending Carano by trying to pretend she wrote something different than what came out of her fingers on the keys.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:42 AM
"He began with laws prohibiting Jews from working in the professions and many other jobs, denying them normal access to higher education, from marrying or having sex with Aryans, as well as circulating really vile propaganda that exceeds the boundaries even of Trump talk."
Ah, newsflash, that's exactly what the left's been doing to conservatives lately (well, maybe not the not having sex with Aryans bit, but they certainly have been demonizing heterosexuality as a concept).
Posted by
eotness |
7:49 PM
As far as the topic at hand, what Disney/LucasFilm did was definitely disgusting, as was Heather Antos' comments on the matter, and is another low thing Disney's done lately (and if Iger was involved in Carano's firing, he just sunk to an even new low ESPECIALLY considering his dad fought in World War II and most certainly would have known about the Jewish persecution by the Nazis by that point). That said, however, this wasn't the first bad mark against LucasFilm, even ignoring the Disney sale. Let's not forget that George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars and LucasFilm as a whole, pretty much modeled the Rebel Alliance and Ewoks after the Vietcong and the Empire on America (and worse, may have known full well that the basis for the Rebels was in fact a mass-murdering terrorist group when he did that), and if Skywalking is of any indication, he may have also dabbled in Marxism (certainly gloated about how he by liberating himself from the Hollywood system turned it into a Marxist institution.). And don't get me started on the truther messaging in Revenge of the Sith and the anti-War on Terror messaging as well, and the anti-Capitalist messaging in the whole freaking Prequel Trilogy.
Posted by
eotness |
7:56 PM
eotness, don't you think you are carrying the right-wing victim mentality a bit far? It is not like a conservative is going to get sterilized for dating a liberal, or that conservative women are banned from working as maids in liberal households until they are 45 years of age. And you do seem able to raise your voice in protest without being sent to a concentration camp for doing it. Getting fired from a job for being an embarrassment to your employer - even if the firing is a draconian remedy for speaking one's mind - is far from the same thing.
Heterosexuality as a concept does seem to be alive and well in the Marvel comic books, judging by their current storylines.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:01 PM
"eotness, don't you think you are carrying the right-wing victim mentality a bit far? It is not like a conservative is going to get sterilized for dating a liberal, or that conservative women are banned from working as maids in liberal households until they are 45 years of age. And you do seem able to raise your voice in protest without being sent to a concentration camp for doing it. Getting fired from a job for being an embarrassment to your employer - even if the firing is a draconian remedy for speaking one's mind - is far from the same thing."
Tell that to the various conservative/right wing speakers who usually end up silenced on College Campuses by various leftists, while if a leftist, including one openly advocating for violent overthrow, is not only allowed to speak freely, but even goes as far as to get tenure and promotions by the higher ups. Plus, whenever I go to work, my bosses often freely talk left-wing politics openly in front of me, while I have to keep MY political views to myself lest I get fired, even if it's a slight disagreement. Heck, at college, I personally ended up getting yelled at after class by a radical leftist professor for even adhering to any conservative thoughts and accused of getting my information on, say, the Vietnam War and Communism, from Fox News despite the fact that I if anything got it from Breitbart and the Politically Incorrect Guides without so much as even catching a glimpse of Fox News. Heck, as Kevin Sorbo pointed out, Jack Morressey outright voiced his opinion to outright MURDER kids who happen to believe in MAGA in a manner similar to what Saddam Hussein used to do to political opponents and is still allowed to keep his job DESPITE the graphic death threats, while Caralino got fired and blacklisted for far less. And don't get me started on how BLM and ANTIFA often attacked various conservatives and harrassed them just for minding their own business, doing it to Cruz and even McConnell, even while he was technically on their side the whole time. Not to mention the Little Red Hen owner who harrassed a conservative family a little while back.
"Heterosexuality as a concept does seem to be alive and well in the Marvel comic books, judging by their current storylines."
Until they start undoing some actions such as blatantly turning characters that were originally heterosexual and written to be that into homosexuals/bisexuals, that's not even close to enough right now. Until they make Alex Danvers straight again (and yes, back in Season 1, she WAS in fact straight), until they make Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn straight again, until they make Batwoman straight again, until they make Montoaya straight again, and Claire Bennet straight again, Lando Calrissian for that matter, we've still got that problem. If they're intended to be straight, keep them straight. Don't change them to be gay, ESPECIALLY in order for the writer to feel better about his homosexuality (looking at YOU, Greg Berlanti). Want to make a homosexual character? Create your OWN, and make SURE they are that from the very start, like with General Blue from Dragon Ball, for example. At least that guy was established to be gay from the start (even if the way they deduced he was gay was kind of random due to him merely not having the hots for Bulma instead of, I don't know, maybe have him flirt with Krillin).
Posted by
eotness |
2:32 AM
American universities have blown their budgets on hiring security for controversial crowd-inciting conservative speakers like Anne Coulter, Milo, or Andrew Spencer, names that were important to right-wingers 2 or 3 years ago, all in the name of free speech, and even though none of them were exactly intellectuals or academically significant.
And generally bosses have more freedom to speak on the job than employees; fact of life. Breitbart is if anything more radical and right-wing than Fox. And they are not a newsgathering source with real reporters, for the most part; they take stories from MSM places like Fox and CNN, often quote them word for word, and then put a right-wing spin on it.
The comics do undo decisions to make characters gay. Element Lad was gay for a while, then became ungay. Writers flirted with describing the Joker as gay, then Alan Moore established him as straight. I didn’t think Alex was straight in season 1; they didn’t get into at all in any of the episodes I saw.
On some of the other characters: Batwoman was originally created as a response to the allegations of Dr Fredric Wertham that Batman fit into gay tropes; she was a beard. So when the character was rebooted, it was a clever touch to make her gay. For Harley, the basic theme of her character is duality: a costume that is assymetrrically colored in opposite colors; an identity that is neither fully good or fully evil, half-sane and half-insane, half Christian and half-Jewish. SO the bisexuality makes sense for her. The vast majority of super-people are straight and their romances are part of the storylines.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:00 AM
As far as the George Lucas -Vietnam link goes, I don't think it bears too much weight. The paths that inspiration takes to. become a story are complex and not easily reversible. Even if he drew inspiration from his ideas about what Vietnamese call the American War, nobody watching the films will be able to go back and see the connection without outside reading on the subject; on screen, it is as easily understood as a parable of the American Revolution. How can a story about rescuing the rightful princess and restoring her rule be compatible with communism?
Most Americans of Lucas' generation were opposed to the war in Vietnam, and the Vietnamese were seen as the underdogs; his views were not strange. You can enjoy the story without thinking about Nam. It has more to do with old movie serials of the 1930s than it does with politics.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:46 AM
"American universities have blown their budgets on hiring security for controversial crowd-inciting conservative speakers like Anne Coulter, Milo, or Andrew Spencer, names that were important to right-wingers 2 or 3 years ago, all in the name of free speech, and even though none of them were exactly intellectuals or academically significant."
Yeah, and those same universities allowed a literal terrorist name Bill Ayers teach people to become terrorists. Your point? I know if I were the universities, I would have made sure Ayers was fired and begging on the streets specifically BECAUSE he was training future terrorists to conduct his work. Same goes for Richard Rorty, who openly bragged about trying to brainwash kids into adhering to his line of thinking and rejecting their parents thoughts.
"And generally bosses have more freedom to speak on the job than employees; fact of life. Breitbart is if anything more radical and right-wing than Fox. And they are not a newsgathering source with real reporters, for the most part; they take stories from MSM places like Fox and CNN, often quote them word for word, and then put a right-wing spin on it."
What do you define as a real reporter? Walter Duranty? Walter Lippmann? Walter Cronkite? Dan Rather? Mike Wallace? They all pushed a left-wing spin while pretending to be objective. If anything, journalistic integrity is an excuse to push the left wing while the gullible masses lap it up according to them. You know that Cronkite lied about the Tet Offensive specifically to steel America against the Vietnam War and that worked like a charm, right? Besides, if I were a boss, I'd actually make sure I'm as afraid of divulging my political opinions in front of my peons as they are divulging their political opinions to me, ESPECIALLY if they are differing opinions. It's an unwritten rule, and I for one do NOT like having to feel like I'm being brainwashed by the left.
Posted by
eotness |
4:53 PM
"The comics do undo decisions to make characters gay. Element Lad was gay for a while, then became ungay. Writers flirted with describing the Joker as gay, then Alan Moore established him as straight. I didn’t think Alex was straight in season 1; they didn’t get into at all in any of the episodes I saw."
The only time I even RECALL Joker ever being hinted to be LGBT at any point was in The Dark Knight Returns and its connected comics, and that was Elseworlds and thus not even meant to be canon anyways (not to mention since he tended to rape women while otherwise having a thing for Batman, he's closer to being bisexual than up and out gay). As far as Alex, she dated Maxwell Lord, BEFORE being told to keep tabs on him by the DEO, and she was about to ask a guy (I think it was the same guy who later abducted her in an attempt to force Supergirl to bust his dad out of prison in season 2) out on a date until Kara ended up recklessly playing the hero in saving a bus when the two were kids. From what I heard of some comments on I think NewsBusters, some deleted scenes from Season 1 even had her at a bare minimum dating men. If they wanted her to be a lesbian, they would have made her that in Season 1, even act towards guys, like General Blue acted towards Bulma in Dragon Ball (which, BTW, was precisely how he got... outed as gay by Bulma and Krillin, at least in the Japanese version. Well, that, and his whining about a bloody nose Krillin inflicted on him during their fight): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wyt1Aq6hm8
"On some of the other characters: Batwoman was originally created as a response to the allegations of Dr Fredric Wertham that Batman fit into gay tropes; she was a beard. So when the character was rebooted, it was a clever touch to make her gay. For Harley, the basic theme of her character is duality: a costume that is assymetrrically colored in opposite colors; an identity that is neither fully good or fully evil, half-sane and half-insane, half Christian and half-Jewish. SO the bisexuality makes sense for her. The vast majority of super-people are straight and their romances are part of the storylines."
She was still straight, though. And no, she was not a "beard", they just wanted to make clear Bruce and Dick were straight (the infamous page of them in bed had a bed gap between them that Wertham somehow missed). And it wasn't clever, it was cheap. As far as Harley, I think you mixed her up with Two-Face, you know, the one with the actual theme of duality. And last I checked, that guy was straight, not bi, DESPITE his duality monomania. Not to mention she was written originally as a groupie for Joker, had eyes for him alone, so no, it does NOT make sense for her to be bisexual, heck, it makes as much sense as Harley deciding to date someone OTHER than Joker, man or woman (none at all, in other words). And under Greg Berlanti and his ilk, most of those "straight" super-people got turned gay. Remember Ice Man or even Alan Schlott or whatever his name was? Those guys were straight, yet got turned gay. Also, while Jewish is indeed a race as well as a religion, you can't be "half-Christian." Christianity isn't even a race or ethnicity, it's a religion, purely a religion.
Posted by
eotness |
4:53 PM
"As far as the George Lucas -Vietnam link goes, I don't think it bears too much weight. The paths that inspiration takes to. become a story are complex and not easily reversible. Even if he drew inspiration from his ideas about what Vietnamese call the American War, nobody watching the films will be able to go back and see the connection without outside reading on the subject; on screen, it is as easily understood as a parable of the American Revolution. How can a story about rescuing the rightful princess and restoring her rule be compatible with communism?"
Technically, Leia wasn't even trying to restore her rule per se, she was trying to restore the Galactic Republic. And the Prequel Trilogy revealed that, at least on Naboo, royalty tended to be elected. Not to mention she was a senator anyhow. And it clearly wasn't a parable of the American War of Independence (last I checked, the Founding Fathers NEVER considered assassinating their king when rebelling against him [if they did, they would have sent a sniper after him. Let's not forget George washington came extremely close to being shot by a British sniper during the War of Independence, and if they could do it, we probably could do it as well if we desired]. That's a stark difference from the Rebels, who in ROTJ at least actually DID attempt to up and out assassinate Palpatine by blowing up his in-development Death Star while he was onboard). Besides, most of the target audience of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker would not have known who the heck Che Guevara and the FSLN were, yet the game promoted them (the former in briefing files, and the latter had you aiding them, and in the briefing files at least clearly sympathetic to their struggle to turn Nicaragua into a socialist country), even implied they were similar to the Founding Fathers of America and all of that. Heck, an episode of NCIS Los Angeles even had a Red Tide communist member trying to justify his terrorist actions by mentioning how the Founding Fathers did terrorism as well which didn't fly, and his mentor, the guy responsible for radicalizing him, was a surviving member of a Maoist group known as the Gun Barrel Party, a blatant Weathermen Underground expy (Gun Barrel Party was literally named after one of Mao Zedong's quotations). And if Ian McDiarmid is to be believed, brainwashing kids into supporting communism was Lucas's exact intention behind that bit.
"Most Americans of Lucas' generation were opposed to the war in Vietnam, and the Vietnamese were seen as the underdogs; his views were not strange. You can enjoy the story without thinking about Nam. It has more to do with old movie serials of the 1930s than it does with politics."
Correction, a vocal minority of Americans of Lucas's generation were opposed to the war. Most of America, the silent majority, actually supported the war. That's even why Richard Nixon won elections twice. In fact, the third largest parade during the 1960s was a pro-Vietnam War parade. Just watch Television's Vietnam: The Real Story. That makes it clear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsYwdCoOIEI
Besides, George Lucas in that interview with AMC and specifically James Cameron made it very clear that he had knowingly based the Rebels on Terrorist groups, in particular the Vietcong. Both Cameron and Lucas used that specific term in regards to the basis. That is a far cry from simply protesting the war. That's flat out treason. And considering what the Vietcong and their handlers did after the war, such as the boat people and reeducation camps, all that shows is that they clearly chose the wrong side. Besides, technically, Donald Trump was an underdog as well, fought against the Establishment in 2016 and won, the definition of an underdog, yet Lucas hates him.
Posted by
eotness |
5:07 PM
And quite frankly, after nearly being tricked by Hideo Kojima regarding Che Guevara with the following crap here:
To say very little about narrowly having to fight off leftist brainwashing in College and maybe also some leftist brainwashing in High School, I simply CANNOT enjoy a movie where the creator of it specifically intended, deliberately, to push an agenda, which George Lucas very obviously did as he repeatedly bragged about tricking Americans into rooting for the Vietcong, not to mention contributed alongside Bill Ayers in further ruining the education system with his Edutopia crap, of which I had to personally sit through in College regarding their handiwork and nearly being made leftist against my will.
Posted by
eotness |
5:12 PM
So much to argue about! I will mention only a few things. II will say, that Nixon got elected the first time around as the peace candidate, in opposition to LBJ who was seen as the guy who escalated the war and refused to leave. "Peace in Our TIme!" was his slogan.
And it would have been real hard for the Founding Fathers to assassinate King George; the assassin would have had to take a slow boat across the Atlantic, and then get close enough to the King to do his dirty work. Bearing in mind that guns were not that accurate back then. And the Founding Fathers only turned against Britain with difficulty, they originally thought of themselves as loyal Britons fighting for the rights due to British subjects; they would have drawn the line at regicide.
Neal Adams thought of the Joker as gay, and I remember a Superman-Joker team-up where he acted awful flirtatious with Superman. He dressed in purple, he had a fixation on Batman, he wore red lipstick; he fits some of the old stereotypes. De Matteis did an interesting story about how the Joker, thinking Batman dead, was able to establish a relationship with a good woman and start to live a normal life; but when he realized Batman was still alive, left her and returned to his old life.
Real journalism means going out into the field, seeing events and describing them first hand, interviewing people, cultivating sources, thinking about what you learn and putting the pieces together. It doesn't mean sitting back at home, checking out CNN or Vanity Fair and repeating their stories with added right-wing snark and click bait headlines, like Breitbart does.
Posted by
fred |
7:45 PM
"So much to argue about! I will mention only a few things. II will say, that Nixon got elected the first time around as the peace candidate, in opposition to LBJ who was seen as the guy who escalated the war and refused to leave. "Peace in Our TIme!" was his slogan."
Last I checked, Nixon also ended up winning against McGovern, who was the peace candidate and advocated leaving Vietnam to the fate of the North Vietnamese. And he won regarding peace through VICTORY, not appeasement, which is not at all the same thing as being the peace candidate as you claim. Nice try, though.
"And it would have been real hard for the Founding Fathers to assassinate King George; the assassin would have had to take a slow boat across the Atlantic, and then get close enough to the King to do his dirty work. Bearing in mind that guns were not that accurate back then. And the Founding Fathers only turned against Britain with difficulty, they originally thought of themselves as loyal Britons fighting for the rights due to British subjects; they would have drawn the line at regicide."
Yeah, which if anything only reinforces how the Rebels are nothing like the American Minutemen, and if anything were more like the Jacobins and the Bolsheviks. Besides, like I said, the British army almost sniped George Washington, and they'd need to take about as much time to get here as that hypothetical situation with the Brits.
Posted by
eotness |
9:03 PM
"Neal Adams thought of the Joker as gay, and I remember a Superman-Joker team-up where he acted awful flirtatious with Superman. He dressed in purple, he had a fixation on Batman, he wore red lipstick; he fits some of the old stereotypes. De Matteis did an interesting story about how the Joker, thinking Batman dead, was able to establish a relationship with a good woman and start to live a normal life; but when he realized Batman was still alive, left her and returned to his old life."
The "red lips" were a disfigurement caused by falling into a vat of chemicals. It's not lipstick, well, not in most cases (the only time he used lipstick was in The Dark Knight Returns and the Arkham games). Plus, he's supposed to look like a clown, and most clowns use lipstick or at least lip makeup. And his fixation on Batman's more an outlet of his insanity, especially regarding a more "only one allowed to defeat you." And looking up Neal Adams' article, it makes no mention of him ever thinking of Joker's sexuality in any way (let alone that he's gay). And as far as him flirting with Superman, it's called being a troll and trying to intimidate someone. Nyotengu from Dead or Alive does similar stuff to Leifang in her story mode for Dead or Alive 6, and to Ayane in the same game. Heck, Ardyn Izunia did much of the same to Noctis and at one point Prompto, and Episode Ardyn reveals he was in fact in love with a woman, Aera, Lunafreya's ancestor.
"Real journalism means going out into the field, seeing events and describing them first hand, interviewing people, cultivating sources, thinking about what you learn and putting the pieces together. It doesn't mean sitting back at home, checking out CNN or Vanity Fair and repeating their stories with added right-wing snark and click bait headlines, like Breitbart does."
Yeah, and by that same token, that makes Walter Lippmann, Walter Duranty, Walter Cronkite, and Dan Rather NOT journalists, but propagandists, considering the first one, as pointed out by ProgressingAmerica, and outright admitted in his own book Public Opinion, practically created fake news as a concept, Duranty deliberately hid the events of Holodomor (and in a far more shameful display of how journalism doesn't match its ideals, none of his awards were ever revoked even after it became public knowledge), the latter flat out lied through his teeth about the Tet Offensive by making it sound as though the Vietcong won against the Americans when in reality they were utterly wiped out (and that was despite Westmoreland pretty much telling this to his face that they won and his bragging his intention of claiming the Vietcong won anyway), and Dan Rather twice ended up lying on the air by claiming Texan children celebrated JFK's death (they were actually cheering on how school let out early, and didn't even KNOW at the time why it was let out early) and later by publishing forged memos, with CBS being forced to fire him to save face. If anything, the mainstream media is even LESS journalistic by that definition than Breitbart, which at least reports facts that the mainstream media refuses to cover.
Posted by
eotness |
9:03 PM
This is a great post I saw thanks to sharing. I really want to hope that you will continue to share great posts in the future. Satta Matkan https://matka143.in
Posted by
Satta Matka |
9:05 PM
Yeah so next time she seeks your approval for her example of choice... yes? Her example works at the level she applied it. Using your logic an example has to be audited to the nth level to be approved. Dear oh dear...
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:44 AM
Why would I trust either of these kooks with my health and safety?
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:34 PM
So eotness, I'm guessing your more a Star Trek follower despite all the communist stuff that goes on in it?
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:35 PM
"So eotness, I'm guessing your more a Star Trek follower despite all the communist stuff that goes on in it?"
Actually, when I learned Star Trek was meant to push communism, I dropped it like a rotted bag of potatoes and am even LESS likely to follow it than Star Wars.
Posted by
eotness |
3:06 AM
Is there any outer space fiction that doesn't grind your gears?
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:15 PM
"Is there any outer space fiction that doesn't grind your gears?"
Well, Metroid is probably one. I guess Star Fox might be another (the only possible red flag is with the planet MacBeth whose backstory in Star Fox 64 did sound like a possible anti-capitalist dig, but that's probably something I can ignore overall in the greater scheme of things).
Posted by
eotness |
7:55 PM
Well, Metroid is probably one. I guess Star Fox might be another (the only possible red flag is with the planet MacBeth whose backstory in Star Fox 64 did sound like a possible anti-capitalist dig, but that's probably something I can ignore overall in the greater scheme of things).চিকিৎসা ও স্বাস্থ্য
Posted by
Md Mehedi hashan |
7:33 AM