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Monday, August 02, 2021 

Which comics did the Capt. Marvel movie actually mirror?

A writer on Cheat Sheet discussed the Captain Marvel movie starring Brie Larson and how controversial it was, and still pretty much is after 2 years. And they're pretty foggy on just what material the movie's "faithful" to:
Larson received mixed reviews on her performance as Carol Danvers, a.k.a. Captain Marvel. While some MCU fans thought Larson’s performance left much to be desired, other fans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thought Larson’s portrayal of Carol Danvers mirrored the Marvel Comics perfectly. [...]
And which material, and eras, would that be? The late 1960s to early 2000s material, where Carol Danvers was still a self-respecting lady, or the post 2010 garbage, where she was suddenly transformed into a short-cropped, nigh-masculine figure, as she became when Kelly Sue deConnick took up the writing? Nothing's clear at all in this piece. What is, however, is the star actress' MO:
Along with controversy with the film, there was also a controversy with the film’s leading star. Brie Larson has always used her platform to be politically vocal, and like many actors in the MCU franchise, speaks out for the marginalized and pushes for greater equality. However, one statement that really seemed to rub sections of the MCU fanbase the wrong way was when Larson stated that her press days were “overwhelming white male.”

This all went down before the film was even released. With some MCU fans already holding animosity toward Larson and the marketing of the film, once the film was released, the negativity only ramped up. A large amount of negativity was placed on Larson’s overall performance, with some fans saying things like her lines were poorly delivered, she wasn’t fit enough to be a superhero, and the classic “she didn’t smile enough.”
Something wrong with smiling? If Gal Gadot scowled ever so often in the Wonder Woman role, she'd be a lot less likable, no matter how overrated the first film was, and the second was just plain awful. An important ingredient in pleasing the audience, both men and women alike, is to make the star characters likable, and a sense of humor can boost the proceedings tremendously. Playing the material far too seriously can take away considerably from people's ability to enjoy the film. It's one thing to speak out in favor of marginalized, but why at the expense of white men? This is exactly the problem with leftists today, when they embrace identity politics at the expense of nearly an entire race. Cheat Sheet even took to using a Reddit page to justify their ambiguous path:
Two years later, fans are still taking to Reddit to discuss Larson’s performance in Captain Marvel. So, while Larson did receive a fair bit of criticism from fanbases within MCU, she also received a fair bit of praise for how well she nailed the comic version of Carol Danvers. One MCU fan recently took to Reddit to share the comment, “Yesterday I decided to rewatch ‘Captain Marvel’ for the first time since 2019, and I was pleasantly surprised at how much more I enjoyed it than the first time I watched it.” This led to further discussion and general praise for Larson’s performance. Another Reddit user summed up the thread’s overall consensus with the statement, “If u read the Captain Marvel comic her performance is based on, the comedy actually fits. Carol has this sort of off-beat dry humor, and she’s quite awkward. I think Brie nailed it.”
Again, I'm still not sure what take on the character they're talking about, whether old or new. And Larson was making a big mistake to haul divisive political leanings into the whole mess. It's been reported that, if there'll be a sequel, it'll be titled "The Marvels", rather than Capt. Marvel, which just shows how uncertain the studio is they'll be able to succeed with the project again. But one thing is clear. If it's based on the post-2010 material, it's just artistically worthless.

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