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Monday, November 01, 2021 

Hollywood Reporter makes a big deal out of Rob Liefeld reviving Prophet

The Hollywood Reporter is promoting the overrated artist Liefeld's revival of Prophet, one of the characters who first debuted in Youngblood almost 30 years ago, and which, laughably enough, is being adapted to film:
John Prophet is coming back to celebrate his 30th birthday. The comic book hero, who is set to be played by Jake Gyllenhaal in an upcoming movie, is returning to print with a facsimile edition of Prophet No. 1, reprinting the hero’s first solo comic. Creator Rob Liefeld has also enlisted dozens of artists to help re-create Prophet No. 1 as a remastered comic.

“Prophet is symbolic of the early ’90s Image Comics that fans identify with and love as much as anything released during that period. It electrified a generation of comic fans!“ states Liefeld “Prophet is my best-selling solo hero by a mile.”
Oh, do tell us about it. Got any sales figures? Most of Liefeld's books from that time had a terrible schedule, came out inconsistently, and on top of that, you have the rock bottom artwork Liefeld turned out to contend with. None of which means anything to Hollywood, who'll scrape the barrel's bottom to find something they think they can turn a profit from.

I for one won't be paying money for Liefeld's joke creations, and would advise all else to avoid his work as well. Much of it really was dreadful, and to adapt his work into films only compounds how overrated an industry member he was to begin with.

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