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Sunday, February 23, 2025 

Joe Sacco and Art Spiegelman weaponize Holocaust against Israel

Camera UK reports that a cartoon project co-authored by leftists Joe Sacco and Art Spiegelman, previously spoken about here, is as bad as could be expected:
For at least the fourth time since Oct. 7th, 2023, the Guardian has published content weaponising the Holocaust against the Jews.

The latest iteration is in the form of a long cartoon co-created by Joe Sacco and Art Spiegelman (“Two artists, one catastrophic war … Joe Sacco and Art Spiegelman on Israel-Gaza and the ceasefire – cartoon”, Feb. 14). Sacco is a anti-Israel artist best known for his journalistic graphic narrative called Footnotes in Gaza, while Spiegelman is a Jewish cartoonist who wrote Maus: A Survivor’s Tale, a graphic novel published in 1991 depicting Spiegelman interviewing his father about his experiences as a Holocaust survivor.

In the novel, Jews are mice, and the Nazis are cats.

Despite growing up in the shadow of the Holocaust, Spiegelman shares Sacco’s animosity towards the Jewish state, having once described Israel as a “sad, failed idea“.

Turning now to the Guardian cartoon: the words in bold and red at the top, as you can see below, “Never Again!…And Again…And Again…And, Again”, make it clear that the Holocaust is being evoked. It shows both Sacco and Spiegelman drawn into Gaza, beginning in the first two frames: (Sacco is on the left, while Spiegelman is on the right and, per the character in this graphic novel, appears as a mouse).

We see how Israel’s military response to Hamas’s war of aggression is framed as “revenge”, rather than a rational state actor engaging in self-defense, as any other state would do when faced with an invasion of its territory from a terrorist group. The “eye for an eye“ trope, which is often used by anti-Semites to indict Judaism as an unforgiving religion, is employed, alongside the bloodstained hands of the Israeli prime minister.
Read more at the article, and see how repulsive Spiegelman gets, along with Sacco. This is why sometimes, I find it hard to feel sorry for Spiegelman that Maus was banned from some classrooms in Tennessee, because in a way, he too is practicing a form of censorship, blacklisting Israeli voices regardless of whether they're conservative or liberal, and siding with the Religion of Peace's barbarism. There's no reason to buy his GNs if that's how Spiegelman's going to act, because it's clear he's not serious about addressing grave issues. All he's doing is driving away many potential allies and friends, and proving yet another leftist who acts as though it's such a big deal to be part of the most leftist circles around. A most tragic shame indeed.

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