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Sunday, September 18, 2011 

What makes these leftists think this Fear Itself storyline is meant to appeal to the Tea Party?

The leftist website Death and Taxes (via Tea Party Patriots) has written a peculiar post where they seem to think that the part towards the end of Fear Itself where Capt. America forms a militia is meant to appeal to the Tea Party. They begin by asking:
Is Captain America forming a militia to appease the Tea Party?
What does the Tea Party truly have to do with militias and firearms? Of course there are activists concerned about the right to self-defense and the 2nd Amendment's own protections of the same, but that hasn't been their main concern. The main issue of the Tea Party is the healthcare system and economy that Obama has all but ruined.
As DC Comics relaunches almost its entire line, rival publisher Marvel Comics’ characters are dealing with an epic story called Fear Itself, in which Thor’s Asgardian foes team up with Sin, granddaughter of Captain America’s arch-rival, the Red Skull, to wreak havoc and terror around the world.

This presents Captain America with an opportunity to win back the real world’s Tea Party.

[...] the good Captain ends the latest issue of Fear Itself by preparing for war against his enemies, and declares, “This is the end of the world, fellas.”

“And I’m raising a militia to make a strike right here,” says Marvel’s most patriotic hero. This obviously fits into the right wing’s constitutionalist ideology, leaving readers and critics to wonder whether Marvel comics wants to win back the right wing.

Even if this isn’t a media ploy, Fear Itself has certainly revealed a new side to Captain America[...]
I think it is a ploy, unfortunately. And his forming a militia sounds rather absurd, since it could just as easily suggest a negative meaning to it; a better name for his roundup would be commando unit. It sounds more like the leftist site is trying to run a subtle smear of conservatives as bizarrely gun-happy (and how strange to see the Fear Itself writers depicting Cap with a gun, even if he is fighting an actual war against evil this time), and if the story was going to begin with something as insulting as this, then they're hardly making the story as a whole conservative-friendly, nor are they making it something a conservative can feel comfortable to begin reading.

And really, what proof is there that this story was ever meant to appeal to conservatives/Tea Party activists to begin with?

On top of all that, trying to win back conservatives via a company wide crossover that costs 3-4 dollars to buy in standard pamphlets is not the way to go in this day's pricings.

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Anyone who thinks Marvel is trying to sell to conservatives obviously hasn't been paying much attention to their product for years.

I hate to think some conservative comic fan or any standard comic fan woke up out of a decades-long coma, and thought, "whoa, Captain America has a gun? I'm sold."

Of course, didn't we already have that with Bucky!Cap, which clearly didn't work?

Then again, most Marvel comics are starting to put me in a coma. Wake me up in 2020 when Captain America will be waving a walker against Medicare.

Cap has taken out the whole Serpent Society with his shield, he don't need no durn huntin' rifle. I could imagine John Walker doing this, but Steve? Run for your lives, he's having WWII flashbacks!

Kookaburra reminded me of Wizard's joking around with Captain America's "shell shock. Good times?

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