Kurt Busiek thinks extremism cannot combine with religion
If anything clearly shows me extremism is the problem, not religion, it's that I got death threats aimed at my kids when Superman beat Thor.
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 9, 2015
First, I'm sorry to hear that happened. But extremism comes in many forms, including religion. I'm even willing to add that Satmar fanatics have resorted to extremism in the past, and taken up an offensive distortion of the Torah/Bible. And it sounds like Busiek's leftist side is getting the better of him on this issue too, leading him to try and divert attention from the hard issues, which no sane European will be happy to learn he's doing.
@MaryJackalope Me too. And it’s a behavior that I associate with extremism, not religion. That kind of mindset, in my perception, is more...
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 9, 2015
@MaryJackalope …religious don’t need to be extremists to follow their faith.
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 9, 2015
What's the point of saying that if he hasn't researched the Koran, or has no interest in doing so? Still, since we're on the subject, what does he think of the Koran/Hadith's prescriptive support for underaged child marriage? Come to think of it, what's his take on apostates from Islam? Does he honor their views, or, does he harbor a low opinion of them?
@MaryJackalope I don’t assume religion is the root cause; that was my initial point. Without religion, we’d still have extremists.
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 9, 2015
Here's where he falls short. Religion comes in two forms: there is either a good one, or a bad one. There's even bad interpretations of good religions, and I consider the Satmar's take on Judaism to be a very distasteful one, that's led to a lot of ruined brains. IMHO, what Joel Teitelbaum led to is like psychological child abuse, and communities like theirs have also been plagued with a lot of the physical type as well.
Scientology is another religion I would put in the category of bad, because of its closed door mentality and the abusive methods used by its leaders and followers. I guess if there's no distinctions between any religions, then there's none for Scientology in his mind either.
@AlvaroIM77 I know too many kind and peaceful Muslims to want to go where you’re headed. So I’ll just point out that there are Bible...
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 9, 2015
@AlvaroIM77 …passages that call for killing people, political nuts who feel the need to kill people, and so on. I see the common thread...
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 9, 2015
@AlvaroIM77 …there as extremism. The majority of Muslims manage to have their faith and not kill over it.
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 9, 2015
That's definitely a matter of opinion, I'm afraid. The saying goes that while there are moderate Muslims, there's no moderate Islam. And not a single western society who've let Muslims into their country has come away unscathed.
@MaryJackalope If so, it’s failing to get results with most adherents.
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 9, 2015
That's what he says, but does reality agree? He fails to comprehend the concept of taqqiya (deception) in Islam, which is employed by many Muslims who won't admit what's wrong with their religion or that it has disturbing verses in their scriptures.
@AlvaroIM77 And like I said, I think it’s extremism. I think it goes beyond religion. You don’t have to agree.
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 9, 2015
In that case, does he admit there's extremism on the left side of the spectrum too? Is he willing to come to terms with how the Nazis were actually leftists? One of the biggest problems with various leftists today is that they cannot come to terms with how the National Socialists - the full name for nazis - were leftists in reality, and socialism is an ideology exclusively associated with the left, ditto communists.
Extremism makes people crazy. Regardless of the context.
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 9, 2015
In that case, is he willing to acknowledge that leftists have their share of extremism, even dating back so far as the Democrats who condoned slavery in the 19th century?
@AlvaroIM77 And I don’t.
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 9, 2015
That's a pretty ambiguous reply alright. I guess he's saying - selectively or otherwise - that it's impossible for extremism to stem from religion, or for a specific religion to be built on extremist conceptions. Where I come from, that's called putting one's head in the sand.
Busiek is one comics tweeter whom I haven't seen using the hashtags "JeSuisCharlie", "JeSuisJuif" and "CharlieHebdo". Does that mean he takes the same position as Al Jazeera, who've technically said they're not Charlie? One sure thing, he's become a major disappointment.
Labels: Europe and Asia, islam and jihad, misogyny and racism, moonbat writers, politics, terrorism, violence
Obama insists that terrorists who call themselves "Islamic" are not really Muslims. The prime minister of Great Britain and the president of France condemn some nebulous concept of "extremism" without specifically mentioning Islam. The chancellor of Germany urges "tolerance," and talks as if she's more worried about "hatred" against Muslims than about Islamic terrorism.
Busiek is in denial, but he's no worse than our so-called "world leaders."
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:54 PM
Just because you don't say IAmCharlie doesn't mean you're in favor of Muslims. I would never do it, as they hate everything I care for. No, I'm not a supporter of the universal 'right' to curse God or publish pornography.
Posted by
anonanon |
10:06 AM
A little bit off topic, but Marvel keeps promoting its leftist ideals with the newest Deadpool anti-fracking book.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:26 PM
Muslim terrorists are not extremists, by the standards of their religion. They are the mainstream of Islam.
Jihadists can cite, in the original context, and without alteration or omission, specific passages in the Koran that call for killing "infidels" and "unbelievers" (i.e., anyone who is not a Muslim).
There are moderate Muslims who do not approve of terrorism. There are people, who consider themselves Christians, committing hate crimes (e.g., murdering homosexuals). And both groups are out of touch with the basic tenets of their religions.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:47 PM
In reply to the third comment, they also had Sarah SIlverman (the abortion lover) "guest star" in the issue.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:32 AM
Any comments on religions with more than one god?
Posted by
Drag |
3:59 PM