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Thursday, March 12, 2015 

Slott thinks GOP senators worse than Iran's nuclear program

Slott launched a faux-outrage over GOP senators who sent a special letter to Iran making clear they won't stand for their nuclear missile construction:

Umm, I think Fox would be very stupid if they condemned Dem senators for indicating they wouldn't stand for an autocracy building nuclear bombs. USA Today says Nixon's sabotaging Vietnam peace talks in 1968 is far worse than some mere letter making clear nuclear terror is unacceptable. I'd also suggest Slott take note of this important reminder about what a Dem senator did several years ago:
According to Pajamas Media columnist Michael Ledeen, in 2008, a Democratic senator sent a personal emissary to Tehran encouraging the mullahs not to sign an agreement with the outgoing Bush Administration as negotiations would take on a much friendlier tone following President Bush’s departure from office.

That senator was a presidential candidate at the time. His name was Barack Obama.
And Slott thinks the GOP's letter condemning Iran for their totalitarianism is worse? Tsk tsk. He should read what Ruthie Blum says:
On Monday, a group of 47 Republican senators released an "Open Letter to the Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

The letter, initiated by Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, was notably addressed to the Islamist regime in Tehran rather than to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. And rightly so.

It is not Rouhani, after all, who has the final say about anything that goes on in the would-be global caliphate where he was elected as a "moderate," or with regard to the nuclear program whose contours Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has been dictating to the United States and the other members of the P5+1.

No, the person who pulls the strings -- and will push the nuclear button -- is Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. So it is to him that the Republican politicians were actually sending their message. At the same time, they were conveying a similar sentiment to President Barack Obama -- about the invalidity of a deal cooked up by the administration in Washington to please the palates of the mullahs in Tehran behind the back of Congress and without its consent.
So why is Slott apologizing for an autocratic guru who promotes destruction by jihad? Why does he want to support a real life variation on Doctor Doom? Slott also won't admit that Bush accepted a lot more blame than Obama has:

Oh, and that's just another declaration he sits squarely in the Blame-Bush camp, condemning Dubya for all the wrong reasons. What about ex-New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin, who abandoned the city at the time, and is now facing a decade in prison for fraud and laundering? How doesn't he count?

And why is Slott using milk as an example instead of fizzy soda? That causes nostril flares more easily than dairy products.

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It is not treason to remind Iran that the US Senate, not the president, has the authority to approve and ratify treaties.

And it is not treason to remind Obama that the Congress is a co-equal branch of the US government.

When Bush was president, Hillary Clinton said, "As Americans, we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." Now, if you can't see Emperor Obama's new clothes, you are guilty of treason.

And the idea that Bush abandoned New Orleans is one of the most successful Big Lies in history. The federal government built the levees, but the state and/or local authorities were responsible for maintaining them. They didn't. (They spent the money lining their own pockets instead.) The mayor did not order an evacuation, and the governor did not call out the National Guard, until it was too late. They even obstructed US Coast Guard and Air Force units that were trying to help evacuate victims.

BTW, unlike Slott, I don't drink milk. I'm an adult.

Well said, Dan continues to show his political ignorance. I guess his lunacy stems from years of MSNBC abuse.

Democrats are trying to invoke the Logan Act. But, in 1975, the State Department said (in a case involving Senator McGovern) that the Act does not prohibit members of Congress from communicating with foreign governments as part of their official duties.

Of course, the Obama Zombies had never even heard of the Logan Act two weeks ago.

"Can you imagine what Fox News would be saying if 47 Democrats in the Senate had written a letter like that during Bush's term?"

Speaking of Democratic senators during Bush's term, then-Senator Obama sent an envoy to Iraq in 2008, advising them to wait until Obama became president before negotiating with the US, because they could get a better deal with Obama than with Bush.

The one campaign promise that Obama made good on was the one that he made to a hostile foreign government.

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