Marz comments about GOP debate
GOP has reached the point where Paul Ryan is the sage adult in the room. Even the ghost of Ayn Rand chuckles at that.
— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) October 28, 2015
I would appreciate it if GOP debaters would save their REALLY stupid statements for the innings breaks during tonight's #WorldSeries
— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) October 28, 2015
I think plenty of people would appreciate it if Marz would cease with his really dreary statements and just concentrate on writing. And maybe not waste so much time on Twitter when scriptwriting would make for time better spent.
Am I to understand that Donald Trump didn't bite anyone, nor did Ben Carson fall asleep during #GOPDebate? What's the point?
— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) October 29, 2015
What's the point of attacking either one if he can't elucidate why he doesn't like either candidate? And if he's got no issues with Hilary Clinton or any other Democrat candidate, that's all the more reason why there's no point in his ranting about GOP candidates. Then, in response to a tweet where Carson makes an ironic statement about the differences between Noah's Ark and the Titanic, he says:
Also important to remember that Indiana Jones found the Ark, and then those darn Nazis stole it!
— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) October 30, 2015
Carson's talking about Noah's sea vehicle, Mr. Marz, not the holy scripture container the ancient Israelites built. Also important to remember is that in Raiders of the Lost Ark, after first unsuccessfully trying to get hold of the scripture ark, Indy and Marion Ravenwood finally managed to bring it back to the US after the Nazis attempted to use it for vapid power siphoning, and the Nazis' experiments backfired on them, resulting in their melting and disintegrating into the dust. Vaguely similar to how Obamacare is now collapsing.
Oh, and how interesting that Marz has such hostile feelings towards a black politician like Carson, and probably has nothing against parroting the smear jobs already being led against Carson. And it's just like an ultra-liberal to turn against a politician simply because he doesn't follow his leads.
And there we have it, Marz is still as ultra-leftist as ever, and no genuine sign of him changing that in the forseeable future.
Labels: moonbat writers, politics
"I think plenty of people would appreciate it if Marz would cease with his really dreary statements and just concentrate on writing. And maybe not waste so much time on Twitter when scriptwriting would make for time better spent."
Best thing you ever said, Avi. I'd love it if Marz, Simone and others would just "Shut Up and Write." And no, texting doesn't count. Then again, when they sprout their political talking points, helps against how bad their writing is going to be (as recently shown with Nick Spencer).
Of course, you have to wonder why Marz would take the time to snark on people he'd never vote for, anyway. Was he always this hard-left or is this something that came up in the past few years? (Hey, he has to get along with the younger leftist comic writers if he's to work, yeah?)
Posted by
Killer Moth |
2:06 PM
What exactly does Marz even write? Not that I seem to be missing out on anything...
Posted by
T Vulture |
2:09 AM
KM: I've related this before, but I'll never forget an email convo I had w/Kurt Busiek back in the day. The Internet was still a fairly new thing. I believe the subject was the Dixie Chicks, and the subsequent boycott of their stuff after their lead singer made some disparaging remarks (abroad) about President Bush. Busiek opined that he doesn't like boycotts -- that he likes more speech to fight whatever "offensive" speech is the topic.
Which is a reasonable position, of course. However, I brought up that your average joe doesn't have the platform that the Chicks have, and a boycott IS expression -- expressing dissatisfaction with your wallet. I also mentioned, IIRC, that Busiek has a platform greater than most folks.
Fast forward to now: The massive growth of the Internet has led to websites, social media, and most especially blogs, by which your average joe can now express his/her opinions. And guys like Busiek, Marz, Slott, et. al. don't like it. Just like the mainstream media -- they've lost the "control" ... the monopoly, if you will, now that Fox News, talk radio and other outlets actually give a voice to right-of-center views.
Nevertheless, I still maintain that Busiek is the more reasonable of the usual comics cadre ... not to mention the most talented by far.
Posted by
Hube |
4:28 AM
Hube: I didn't know about that, so that sounds quite fascinating. Or depressing, given how much Busiek has apparently changed since your convo with him (2003-2004, sounds like). And indeed, it's become quite clear that the loss of narrative control has unhinged all these people, so it is nice to see the mask finally coming off. And yet, so it can be frightening when one considers the totalitarianism lurking underneath..., while they call everyone Nazis for opposing gun control, open borders and the like.
Like with Gail Simone, as before, I knew there was something off-putting with her or her work, yet couldn't articulate why publicly. She seemed almost untouchable, until she got a Twitter feed and everyone finally realized what a leftist cretin she really is. Or unless she just got bad in hiding her politics like she could before.
All that said, yes, I do agree that Busiek is in a class far above Slott, Marz and the rest in terms of writing ability (especially against the current young guns, like Bunn, Hickman, Spencer -- he's a borderline cartoon character at this point -- and so on). Which is also why I do get saddened when Busiek says what he now says. At least, he wasn't always like that, as per your convo.
As for the subject of boycotts, sometimes, they are necessary and sometimes not, but, they certainly are a form of expression and I'm glad for it. Money still talks, so that's one way to stop the seemingly endless comic leftism..., the comic fandom may love it, but it doesn't fill the coffers, either. Then again, they also shoot themselves in their feet, as between DC being 2 million in the hole and Marvel doing their own version of New 52 -- and we know how bad that ended up -- the self-sabotage almost does our work for us.
Posted by
Killer Moth |
8:00 AM
How dare others have opinions contrary to yours! And how dare they use the same internet to post them! Good Lord, you are a giant baby.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:10 AM
I've noticed how you cherry pick your hate rant on several topics ...especially for writers that have an opinion that YOU don't agree with. If you can't handle the things they say or tweet ....DON'T FUCKING FOLLOW THEM YOU MORON...
have a nice day
Posted by
seyonne13 |
12:11 PM
If you can't handle the things they say or write ....DON'T FUCKING read them and complain YOU MORON...
Did you notice your own hypocrisy. I love how people like you come here and complain yet you just did the same thing.
have a nice day moron
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:17 PM
"How dare others have opinions contrary to yours! And how dare they use the same internet to post them! Good Lord, you are a giant baby."
Yet, you came here on the same internet to share your opinion and complain, you are a giant baby.
Pot call the kettle black much, you witless follower.
Posted by
Lyn |
1:27 PM
Lyn is a special kind of stupid.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:09 PM
Politics in comics isn't necessarily bad. Having views and opinions isn't terrible either. The problem as I see it is there was a time when people tried to provide an impartial view on a certain topic or subject. These days so many have become militant or bitter in their views it emerges as not a means to open discussion or think contrary to your own beliefs. Writers these days are pretty much trying to bludgeon you over the head with what they believe the world should be. I'm older, and was taught to seek out both sides and draw my own conclusions and opinions. There ARE two sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in between to be discovered by those who really give a shit. People are not always going to see eye to eye on everything. I accept that and certainly don't demand my views to be the "right" views/opinions. That's a special kind of selfish and delusion. The second you choose to not even listen to anything but your own voice or question even your own side you cease to learn anything... about yourself, the world, or the human race.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:04 PM
They're as entitled to Tweet their opinions as much as you're entitled to blog yours. I gotta say, I find your obsession with Ron Marz rather amusing considering how much you profess to dislike him.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:22 AM
"Lyn is a special kind of stupid."
Yet, I am clearly smarter than you.
Posted by
Lyn |
5:50 AM
"They're as entitled to Tweet their opinions as much as you're entitled to blog yours. I gotta say, I find your obsession with Ron Marz rather amusing considering how much you profess to dislike him."
Yet they whine and cry every time someone posts something that they do not agree with. Notice Ron tweets about it to complain every time as well, classic pot calling the kettle black. It seems like Marz is obsessed with this blog as well.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:52 AM
I see the moonbats are coming for a visit again.
They have nothing to contribute but hypocritical statements as they blindly follow an extremist moron.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:01 AM
Marz, "loves" your posts so much, that he constantly tries to get a twitter mob to go after you. Sure he "loves" your posts.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:01 AM
Why is it that people in the entertainment industry seem to be so post happy compared to the average joe?
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:19 PM