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Sunday, February 21, 2016 

What Marz says about South Carolina GOP primary and a few other issues

Here's what the former journalist, who still believes in being un-objective, had to say about the GOP primary. First, his comment about their takes on the Pope:

And what's that supposed to mean? That if the Pope is doing anything wrong, they shouldn't say so? On which note, the pope voiced opposition to building a wall across the US-Mexico border, throughly ignoring any interlopers who're dangerous. In other words, he's unconcerned about border security to keep the country safe? Sigh. That's just not the way to go. Donald Trump said in response:
Trump said the pope was misinformed by the Mexican government and its leadership who "made many disparaging remarks" about Trump to Pope Francis.

"The pope only heard one side of the story — he didn't see the crime, the drug trafficking and the negative economic impact the current policies have on the United States," Trump said.
If the pope won't ponder that, what's the point of his criticism anyway? Does safety not matter? It's very disappointing the pope chose to go such a weak route.

Also, what does Marz say about the journalistic trade:

But that's what Marz basically does. I'm sure he did that a lot during his original stint as a journalist, far more than he ever interviewed. (Of course, he was a sports writer, which is actually a good thing; if he were a political writer, he'd be truly awful.)

But that's what people like him think, and did when he was writing Green Lantern. He felt entitled to it, at the expense of readers old and new.

Now his comments on the GOP primary:

No, it's muddled men like Marz who are. He won't consider that the establishment has been seen today as exactly the problem.

Yes, because Rubio's more problematic than an incompetent like Hilary Clinton, whose own serious mistakes include incompetence with Benghazi and the e-mail scandal.

What about George Soros funding Democrats and socialists?

And ultra-leftists like Marz spent several years earlier cozying up to Occupy Wall Street creatures, even after the reports about rapes occurring at their tent sites. While today, the Democrats enable Iranian autocrats to run their perilous atrocities. All of which makes little difference to men like Marz, who can't say anything critical about Democrats no matter what mistakes they make.

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Dems are chanting the "Trump can't win" mantra, hoping that repeating it often enough will make it true.

Considering how the Berlin Wall situation turned out, I'm not all that concerned about one being built between Mexico and the USA.

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