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Monday, March 21, 2016 

Obama touts some of the worst people as "superheroes"

Including, but not limited to, one of the propagandists now working at Marvel (Hat tip: Doug Powers/Michelle Malkin):
At a White House event to celebrate Women’s History Month, President Obama praised Cecile Richards and Nancy Pelosi as having achieved “superhero” status.

His comments came after an introduction from Sana Amanat, a comic book creator and editor for Marvel Comics. Amanat, the daughter of Pakistani-born Muslim immigrants who settled in New Jersey, is known for creating “Ms. Marvel” (secret identity Kamala Khan), the first Muslim superhero.

“For a lot of young boys and girls, Sana is a real life superhero,” Obama said. “We’ve got a lot of them in this room.”

“I want to acknowledge a couple of them,” he said.

He then turned to introduce the CEO of Planned Parenthood in the place of honor.

“First of all, we’ve got Cecile Richards in the house, making sure women’s health care is on the front burner,” he said.

[...] President Obama also introduced “outstanding members of Congress, including Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi.”
So not only does he canonize Amanat as a "superhero", despite her own dishonesty, he even declares PP's boss and a politician who's in favor of abortion as one. Oh yeah, these are some classic choices alright; just what an ultra-leftist would love.

As for the Khan character, she's hardly the first "superhero" from a Muslim background. Bill Mantlo conceived one called the Arabian Knight in the early 80s who was a polygamist, and I don't think he ever presented polygamy negatively. Grant Morrison also conceived one called "Dust" in the early 2000s. As for "a lot" of boys/girls, again, sales aren't reflecting that.

Since we're on the subject, here's an interesting revelation I don't think any press sources who cited Obama's comic book collecting ever brought up years ago:
Fresh off the news that President Obama has apparently used The Dark Knight as a metaphor for dealing with ISIS, we now have reason to believe the commander-in-chief and his new Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, were both comics dweebs back in the day. More importantly, they allegedly both had to suffer through a trying ordeal: selling their comic-book collections while in dire financial straits. [...]
So neither Obama nor his nominee kept their collections for long? In that case, how do we know either was really a true fan? If anything, it's clear Obama was anything but a seriously devoted reader if he didn't hang onto whatever he once owned. IMO, anybody who collects for little more than monetary value rather than reading value isn't proving very devoted to the medium as a whole.

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Well, it said that Obama had to sell his collection when he was in "dire financial straits," so it is not necessarily as if he were a speculator who only bought the comics as an investment.

My pet peeve is that the media always give Obama a free pass, no matter what. And it's a double standard. He collected comics, so he's cool and hip. If George Bush or Dan Quayle read comics as a child, it would be cited as proof that he was a geek, or a misfit, or a doofus who could not handle real literature.

And if Bush or Quayle (or Cruz or Palin or Rubio) had ever been in "dire financial straits," the media would cite it as proof that the candidate was incompetent, irresponsible, unable to plan a budget, and unfit for public office.

+1 to what TC said, all of it.

I'm more annoyed by all the lionization or glorification Amanat is getting, lately. And the usual "if you criticize her, you're racist," and she's not shy about implying or inferring racism on her political opponents, herself, after saying on Trump during her recent Seth Meyers appearance.

And sooner or later, whenever Alonzo steps down or is promoted or whatever, I'm fairly certain she'll be his replacement, and God help us all.

A: That's only because Obama's the current president, once he's out of office the insults will really start flying.

B: Why all this fuss over Khan? She's one of THE most boring characters ever created, in fact she seems more like an extra from one of those mass-introduction events from the backpages of annuals.

A politician propping up one person at the expense of another? What's new about that?

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