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Tuesday, September 13, 2016 

This is what Marz said about Dick Cheney on 9-11

On the 15th year since the jihad attacks that murdered 2,997 people at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Ron Marz stunned again with the following:

Man...now that is sick. He got a brief response from conservative Dan Jurgens, but remained unapologetic:

And Bill Clinton's not despicable for what he did to Juanita Broadderick? Marz remains selfish and one-sided as always. Another tweeter said it's saddening Marz said this:

Absolutely correct. It's poor conduct for anybody in showbusiness. Marz once again demonstrates his ill will, directing his anger at all the wrong sources, and on surely the most inappropriate day of the year, 9-11. Nobody's saying that Cheney's a saint. But that's still no justification for such nasty sentiment that would be better directed at despots like Saddam and Iran's overlords.

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What about directing that angry towards the people who helped put those like Saddam in power in the first place?

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