Fortunately, there's also sane voices commenting on the election
Like many of you, I cannot easily sanction either candidate, but neither can I be silent and DO NOTHING...— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
...while Americans have life and liberty CRUSHED around them on a daily basis!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
The current administration has give us what they promised--CHANGE!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
They've changed a mess into an INTOLERABLE MESS, one riddled with corruption and injustice like no other in history!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
Absolutely correct. Obama's administration only brought some of the worst conduct in history, which Steranko brings up in the following:
IMMIGRATION! HRC promises to outdo Obama by helping Middle-Eastern immigrants without IDs onto America soil, into our schools & communities!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
Many of whom can be potentially dangerous to the public, as evidenced by a recent case in Idaho where a 5-year-old girl was raped by Somali and Iraqi boys.
The upshot: Increased terrorist slaughter and destruction!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
ISIS is here now, thanks to greedy political policy and reckless culpability.— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
Hard-working Americans will be FORCED to support immigrants on the dole, while losing jobs to them--and more!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
For which we would also have to blame business managers who only care about saving money more than safety.
Trump will erect a border wall--locking out significant drug trade and illegals--— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
while establishing a moratorium on Middle-Eastern immigrants using extreme vetting!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
He also claims he'll deport illegal aliens, especially those with criminal records. Who can argue the strategy?— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
Only a leftist who's so Chomskyite he'd want his country devastated.
TRADE DEALS! HRC and Big Labor are in bed together; she wouldn't know a good deal from Shinola!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
Trump hopes to close the gap between what Americans BUY and what they SELL to the Chinese under the current deal--— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
--and at least Trump knows how to MAKE A DEAL!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
Well he's certainly been a business mogul in the past, so that can help with trade and industry topics.
CRIMINAL JUSTICE! HRC continues to mock--even attack--American lawmen, our last line of defense!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
Trump defends police, the NRA, the Constitution, and the need to uphold American law!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
ECONOMY! HRC supported Obama's agonizingly wasteful Stimulus program and aided him in spending more taxpayer dollars...— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
...than ALL OTHER AMERICAN PRESIDENTS PUT TOGETHER--and making our national debt possibly UNRESOLVABLE!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
HEALTHCARE! HRC sanctions Obamacare, the high deductibles, and multiple premium increases!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
Obamacare's prime providers have DROPPED OUT after losing millions of dollars--coverage is in its death agony now!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
The whole Obamacare fiasco only wound up making it harder for people who needed good medical aid to get hold of it properly.
TERRORISM: HRC has called for less military spending and has no specific attack plan, except perhaps negotiation with the enemy!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
She will continue the weak, ineffective Obama policies that have made America an international JOKE!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
On which note, let's turn to a glaring example of Clinton's incompetence:
To determine my choice, I'm looking back at a crisis in American history: The Bengazi Incident.— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
For months, ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and others stationed at Bengazi made 600 requesls to HRC and the State Department for help...— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
...especially after a Clinton security officer assessed their threat as a "SUICIDE MISSION," and that "EVERYBODY was going to die!"— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
The situation escalated while the ambassador and others pleaded for aide.— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
Yet neither Clinton nor Obama made any convincing effort to defend the embassy staff from the ensuing slaughter that took place. Some requests for help never even got to their offices. Clinton even ignored a lawsuit filed by victims.
Meanwhile, in reelection mode, Obama and Clinton repeatedly declared that the killing of Osama bin Laden signaled the defeat of al-Qaeda...— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
in addition to calling the Bengazi Embassy a "facility" to mitigate the impending conflict--— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
--which threatened to destroy the president’s irresponsible, political campaign claims.— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
While wiping out bin Laden is justice in itself, it doesn't spell the end of the Religion of Peace bin Laden was going by. That very ideology is what brought along ISIS more recently.
No force was deployed to help the Americans under attack in the 13 hours that followed--— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
--and Ambassador Stevens and three of his aides were burned to death or slaughtered by terrorists while troops WAITED ON STAND-BY...— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
..., but NEVER ordered to rescue them!~— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
When their bodies were returned to the USA, their families were told by Clinton--— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
Her ultimate response: "What difference does it make?"— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
Which was utterly inconsiderate and only desecrated the memory of the victims even more. She even insulted the mother of one victim, and that didn't help one bit.
My Bottom Line: No, I do NOT want my life, my family, my friends, my freedoms in the hands of Clinton and her criminal associates--— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
--because the Bengazi incident is a PREVIEW of things to come!— Jim Steranko (@iamsteranko) November 8, 2016
And if she'd been elected, one can only wonder how many more emails she would've sent out that could've been picked up by enemy forces? She is unfit for security briefings, because she proved she was unreliable with classified data too. Thank goodness she wasn't elected, and that Steranko understands a lot of this. I'm not sure if he's a liberal, or still is, but with this he's proven he's a realist.
There's also a few more sane voices I could post here, such as Chuck Dixon:
I don't think the FBI went through every email. I think they said "no mas" after the hundredth selfie of Wiener's wiener.— Chuck Dixon (@Dixonverse) November 7, 2016
No doubt, it takes a long time to read through nearly a million emails. Even Trump's staff were skeptical it could all be done in just several days.
Suddenly, everyone in the media is blaming the establishment.— Chuck Dixon (@Dixonverse) November 9, 2016
Probably not for long. They'll surely try to let it all go as soon as they see fit, because they don't want to learn lessons.
Well, all those nannies tsk-tsking over Trump not committing to concede to the election results should feel pretty silly now.— Chuck Dixon (@Dixonverse) November 9, 2016
I do know that a lot of leftists owe an apology for how increasingly selfish they behaved.
Anderson Cooper is saying that if the situation was reversed it would be Trump supporters out there rioting. Tweeting from work perhaps...— Chuck Dixon (@Dixonverse) November 10, 2016
Do these protesters really think they can reverse a presidential election? These are tantrums, right?— Chuck Dixon (@Dixonverse) November 10, 2016
People who obsess themselves so badly over politics aren't doing themselves any favors.
I wanted to include Ethan Van Sciver too, but at the moment, his account is restricted to private mode, because last time I looked, he had problems with leftist trolls who hated his own right-wing leanings. Even Bryan Hitch may have admitted this was troubling. It's regrettable some people are so vindictive over a subject that only divides they have to take out their anger so badly. It's only hurting a lot of decent conservatives in the medium, and making liberals look worse than need be.
But, it's good to know there's people in comicdom who do look realistically at the world, and aren't reluctant to say so.
Labels: good artists, good writers, islam and jihad, politics, terrorism, violence
Jim Steranko is essentially Nick Fury. So now we know what Nick Fury thinks of the whole situation.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:25 AM do realize that Steranko and Dixon haven't been batting a thousand lately, right? Besides, how long do you think it will be before Trump's policies lead YOU into a tirade?
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:14 PM
I don't mind Trump building a wall across Mexico's border, heck he should build one across Canada's border considering how touchy they are at times, but uh, how will he succeed where Berlin failed?
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:24 PM
Van Sciver? That twit? He can't draw the illusion of motion for anything he does and his plotting is basically Geoff Johns-lite.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:13 PM