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Wednesday, December 07, 2016 

Slott predictably returns to Twitter, and continues his mindless babble

Just as should've been expected, Slott's reversed the cancellation of his Twitter account, and is back to being the ultra-leftist he's remained in perpetuity. Some of his dreary drivel includes the following:
People who believe that today's comic book writers shouldn't have political opinions or express them, would've really hated...

...how comics took a stand against Nazis before America entered WW2.

Or comics that took political stances in the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's.
Naturally, there's no distinctions to be made. Like how, in contrast to WW2, today's leftist writers like Slott don't want to help foreign countries find the same freedoms afforded to Americans. I have no doubt Slott was amongst the crowd opposing the Iraq war and removal of Saddam from his dictatorial positions. Why do I get the feeling Slott wouldn't approve of the true reason for fighting WW1 in 1914-18, which was to defeat not just Germany prior to WW2, but also the Islamic Ottoman empire, which was guilty of slaughtering 1.5 million Armenians? Does he even care that Turkey's Islamofascists today still won't apologize?

Let's ponder: the barrage of extreme anti-war positions and other nasty modern leftist politics may be just what got people so fed up they're not interested in just leaving leftist politics out of stories, but also rightist politics. But you just can't expect somebody like Slott to admit that.

He also said:

Sorry, but writers like Slott do sacrifice good storytelling for the sake of their politics. Mainly by shoving them in the readers' faces so hard, it makes it hard to enjoy anything else. Even before Slott, there was Scott Lobdell, who threw good storytelling out the window for the sake of telling everybody to just accept homosexuality as "normal" in the pages of Alpha Flight. Namely, he hammered it, as seen similarly in X-Men in early 2001.

But no worries about Obama's "healthcare" plan costing taxpayers tons, huh? Not even how illegal immigrants have exploited it?

Yeah, as if previous presidents never spent as much. Just take a look at these articles about how much Obama spent. Leftists like Slott are always looking for every excuse they can think of and find to attack somebody they don't agree with. And it's clear he's going to continue with this nonsense for a long time to come.

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Slott's not a writer whose emphasis is on politics, he's merely using it as a cover for his inane ideas on how comics should be run.

As for American involvement in World Wars, the question one should ask is "SHOULD we have gotten involved?".

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