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Thursday, June 15, 2017 

Slott quarrels with another guy over Trump and the shooting in Virginia

Here's some of Dan Slott's latest leftist tirades, one that led into another. First, he posted the following propaganda from Forbes:

Oh did he? According to this wire service article from the Wash. Post, Trump donated a lot of dough to a children's charity:
"You won't hear this in the media, but Donald gave $20 million to the St. Jude children's home. Twenty million dollars," said Phil Ruffin, the owner of the Treasure Island casino, which was the site of the rally.

The crowd cheered. Trump mouthed "Thank you" twice and waved.

"He could have used that $20 million for television ads, but he decided to give with children with cancer," Ruffin said. "That's Donald Trump."
And that's Slott, the moonbat who sees only what he wants to. Newsmax has further confirmation of Trump's contribution. He even donated to Citizens United, and Ivanka Trump's also made some donations. What Forbes is claiming now is obviously one of the many expected attempts to smear the new POTUS.

In fact, the guy Slott was arguing with has an interesting point about love for Disneyland: why does Slott love the place if the founder was a conservative/Republican? In fact, for several years now, the Disney Corp's owned Marvel, where he works. Why does he love a company founded by a guy with standings he hates, let alone want Marvel to be owned by such a place, no matter their politics today? The quarrel continued:

Sure seems like he spends more time tweeting online than he does at charity events. Did he ever donate to victims of Islamic terrorism?

Someone with objectivity wouldn't spend time attacking all conservatives as inherently evil while legitimizing Islamofascism at all costs. The discussion moves to the terrible incident where Rep. Steve Scalise was shot and critically injured by a crazed leftist gunman in Alexandria at a baseball practice:

Oh, trying to change the subject, is he? And what proof does he have that Jones did something like that?

Trying to exonerate Sanger with an article from such a cruddy site isn't going to do any good. She had a shoddy personality, and while she may not have marketed abortions per se within the time she was still alive (PP actually began that after her passing), she still did a lot of harm to society in her time.

And Islam's "prophet" Muhammed wasn't misogynist, huh? Being called an Islamophobe happens to be an honor, so Slott would do well not to be self-congratulatory. Oh, and writing up a story where Doc Ock exploits Mary Jane Watson while disguised in Peter Parker's body isn't misogynist either? Slott's hypocrisy is jaw-dropping. IMO, when leftists call somebody whose politics they don't agree with "sexist/racist", it's just a "fancier" way of cursing at them.

So then Slott pressed the mute option, and demonstrated how tolerant and respectable he really is of conservatives. He added one more item:

In other words, he's trying to obscure shootings stemming from ideological divide. How very convenient of him. Again, he's accomplished the feat of being narrow and close minded, showing no genuine concern for the cesspool the left wing's become. Besides MAGA, how about if we were to make Marvel/DC great again, by distancing awful writers like Slott from their products he doesn't deserve to be writing?

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A week before the shooting in Virginia, Jason Fuller, in an article or column in the Huffington Post, called for the execution of Trump and anyone assisting in his agenda.

Republicans in Congress-Tom Garrett, Claudia Tenney, Martha McSally-have received death threats.

"Antifa" thugs are rioting in the streets and asaulting victims.

And Slott's response is to hurl the usual epithets (racist, misogynist, Islamophobe) at anyone who disagrees with him about anything.

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