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Sunday, March 04, 2018 

Anti-white segregation at the Emerald City comicon

Seattle's got a comics convention that doesn't want our money, and we shouldn't give it to them. They're excluding white heterosexual men from their industry mixer programs (Hat tip: Breitbart):
The comics industry seems to be doubling down on their policy of completely excluding anyone who is straight, white, male, or conservative. This year's Emerald City Comic Con released its schedule of events on its app recently. Anyone who is male, white and identifies as heterosexual found himself excluded from industry mixers and professional mixers.

A source attending the event who asked to remain anonymous for safety reasons spoke to PJM about the blatant discrimination.

"I’m disappointed that they choose to be divisive in an industry that has seen enough divisiveness as it is," the source said. "We are not our race or gender or sexuality. Aren’t we a sum of our parts, or as MLK noted so famously, isn’t it the content of our character that should be what counts?”
I wouldn't be shocked if white men like Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and goodness knows who else are now considered persona non grata at events like these, which sure don't need our money for entrance fees, if charged to visitors.

There's a picture from the convention at the site showing they even run bathrooms both men and women can use at once, or, more precisely, it appears men can use the ladies' rooms, which doesn't guarantee much safety for the women. What this means is that, if sexual harassment was ever a problem at conventions before, it still remains one even now, thanks to political correctness ensuring its prolonging.

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In fairness to the con, they are not "excluding white heterosexual men from their industry mixer programs". Among the various mixer programs, there are three that are targeted to specific groups: one for gay attendees, another for women, a third for creators of color. It looks like there are also some that target D&D fans. It is not like they can bar people at the door of the event based on sexual orientation; there is no gay id card that is issued that I know of. There are other all-inclusive mixers, and these three do not say that people outside the target group will be barred.

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