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Saturday, March 31, 2018 

Image still hasn't done enough to apologize for the Perez debacle, and a site commenting on it goofs too

Bounding Into Comics looked at the case of Michelle Perez writing offensive comments on his Twitter account against Richard Meyer. Image did make this one comment:

It makes very little difference. Even if a creator is the one paying for Image to sponsor/market their wares, putting up with such nasty, repellent behavior is like a tacit approval of it. They shouldn't be taking Perez's dough, if that's how he's getting his GN published, and would do better to take fees from people with more common sense. They also shouldn't pay any residuals that hopefully won't be made when the book goes to press. Most other readers didn't buy Image's defense either. However, company manager Eric Stephenson, whom I thought would make a better choice for whom to confer with, had a response:

Be that as it may, they still have to disassociate themselves from Perez. Therefore, "The Pervert" should be the last book of his they have anything to do with.

With that said, the Bounding website, I was disturbed to discover, said something in very questionable taste:
And as I’ve previously stated, I believe Perez’s entire attack against Diversity & Comics was to promote her book. It would allow her to claim a victim status and state she was being “harassed.” By being a victim she would draw defenders to her cause that would support her by purchasing her book. We’ve seen this strategy employed quite often in the political world. Planned Parenthood and the National Rifle Association are prominent proponents of this strategy.
Excuse me? What's the big idea here dragging the NRA into this whole mess? Haven't they taken enough bad raps already from the left? Now BIC has to make things worse by drawing a moral equivalence between the NRA and the repellent PP, making it sound like the company Charlton Heston once worked for as a president/spokesperson is also terrible. As if that's not bad enough, I even found editor Trent posted these two ambiguous topics involving Identity Crisis, and it goes without saying that watering down the focus on a sick book - to say nothing of throwing away a big chance to shed light on how/why it's awful - is not doing any good. I don't think the NRA are saints, but this was still pretty low of the site to do that. (Update: Marv Wolfman's also screwing up badly by calling Brad Meltzer a "great" writer.)

Image's lenient approach to Perez is bad enough. It's a real pity BIC's undermining their own coverage with a subtle assault on a company that's usually been a supporter of self-defense, and the US military may have members working for to boot.

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