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Sunday, June 17, 2018 

SJWs went after J. Scott Campbell again

Similar to the time Campbell was singled out for demonization at the time he drew a variant cover for Iron Man 2 years ago, its connection to a SJW-geared direction notwithstanding, now some more crude characters decided to after him again for drawing an adult Tiger Lily in the Fairytale Fantasies series, and this time, some of the attackers were definitely much more vile. The original poster apparently set her account to private, presumably embarrassed by the defense that rose for Campbell, but here's the text of the tweets still available:
I just use FB for fam/friends. So as I’m scrolling, looking @ cute babies- a promoted site assaults my eyes. Artist J-Scott-Campbell’s “Fairytale Fantasies” series. Granted he draws all women scantily clad but to also choose to make Tiger Lily as a tied up victim/captive is…😖 pic.twitter.com/vbQx7zUrX9

— untamed (@heather28df) June 13, 2018

I wasn’t expecting so much traction on this, but I forget that whenever you mention problems w/ nonNatives depictions of us, Ntv mascots, appropriation- they swarm. Bc it’s a threat to their sense of supremacy & fake fetishized Native images are good, real Natives- not so much.

— untamed (@heather28df) June 14, 2018

But I’ve heard all these same weak justifications before & the attempt to silence Native women & reduce us to just being “hyper-outraged” (artist’s words) or mad feminists & social justice warriors is typical erasure tactics & the violence Native women actively face is ignored.

— untamed (@heather28df) June 14, 2018

Lol, comic book stans. For the record I have zero problems w/ sexy images or even pornographic images & I think he’s a great artist. But when a nonNative man depicts a Native woman in a hypersexualized captive situation when there’s a real & ongoing history of that – problem.

— untamed (@heather28df) June 14, 2018
From the latter, it doesn't take much to guess she's only okay with drawing white women in any of these situations. In other words, she's basically saying white women are inferior. Fortunately for Campbell, he has his defenders, ladies included:

Except she didn't for long. Last time I looked, her page, even if not erased, was set to private mode. She apparently embarrassed herself so much by implying white women are the only ones allowed to be drawn in situations where they're tied up, and it doesn't make any difference if the adult woman as seen in the pic shows no fear of her captors, Captain Hook and Smee, the adversaries of Peter Pan. Say, does that SJW know the original Tiger Lily was also tied up in the original Disney cartoon? What's the point?

Campbell would add his own defense, and here's the amazing part:

Gotta give him some credit for recognizing something's gone wrong on the left side of the spectrum. The SJWs attacking him even included people using vile slurs like "racist" and "pedophile", and it goes without saying anybody that rude is not making a good case for themselves. BIC said:
This is pretty sickening behavior to label J. Scott Campbell as a racist and pedophile all because he drew a standard image of Captain Hook and Smee having captured Tiger Lily. There is nothing wrong with Campbell’s artistic style and the image is not racist and certainly does not promote pedophilia.

I also have to applaud Campbell for defending his artistic license instead of apologizing and putting his tail between his legs. There is nothing to apologize for and his art does not “perpetuate harmful stereotypes against Native women", just like Rafael Albuquerque’s Batgirl #41 variant cover didn’t perpetuate harmful stereotypes against women, despite a similar outcry that actually got DC and Albuquerque to pull the cover.
If memory serves, the artist of the Batgirl cover decided himself he wanted it removed, because he didn't think it represented the angle they were going for well, though the concern DC could also capitulate to SJWs is still quite valid. Some of the dummies attacking Campbell even included one or two who claimed Native women are major victims of sexual violence in the US, without presenting any statistical research, and without considering there's tons of women of ALL backgrounds in the US and elsewhere who've been subject to violence, sexual or otherwise.

It's stunning how many selfish, entitled people there are out there who supposedly care about one community, or just themselves, and take out their anger on all the wrong sources. All because they're apparently jealous of somebody for being more successful than they are. As noted, the woman who started this whole mishmash seems to have turned tail and ran, so we know who the clown is who won't even defend her worthless accusations. Campbell's artwork is fine, and far from crude, so the time has come to end these noxious attacks on him and not do it again.

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Calling him racist and pedophile is probably a bit too much, but the woman who started the twittering doesn't say any of that. All she did was express concern that the image was playing into old ethnic and racial stereotypes. She does not deserve to be grilled over the coals for that opinion.

Scott Campbell, self proclaimed progressive. The biter bit, LOL. Progressives are people who want "progress", although the direction and form of that progress is usually in the direction of what's in fashion this year or decade. In the 20s progressives were actively advocating for sterilization of blacks and morons to improve society. The 1920s KKK was a "progressive" organization.

I don't know why people keep going after Campbell; he's just a one-note artist who can't be bothered to draw anything else other than super-sexy women. Not to mention his stories are getting a little repetitive and boring.

Here's a comment by somebody on Bleeding Cool that sums up what I think of Campbell's "art":

"My bigger issue is that all J. Scott Campbell pin-ups look ugly and tasteless. They're static and boring and lifeless, with hilariously weird proportions and posing. Why does he always draw women with ridiculously long torsos, standing on their tiptoes? Actually, why does he always draw the same exact woman?

I don't really have a problem with pin-up art or sexy art, but I can't understand why JSC's art is popular. So many other artists can make competent "pin-up" style art that isn't aesthetically stale and soulless."

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