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Thursday, August 09, 2018 

Greg Rucka wants peaceful protests by actual patriots to be illegal, as well as self-defense

Overrated writer Rucka, notorious for penning the Wonder Woman tale in 2005 where Diana snapped Max Lord's neck and was chewed out by Superman and Batman after all that hard work trying to save the former from being brainwashed into endangering innocent lives, may not always be the most vocally political on Twitter, but the following example presented by Bounding Into Comics is one where he's certainly made a fool of himself, as he tried to frame Patriot Prayers as "nazis":

I may not have known everything about Patriot Prayer and Joey Gibson before, and certainly wouldn't from reading Rucka's shoddy tweet alone, but as BIC notes:
There is one problem with Rucka’s Nazi theory. The leader of Patriot Prayer, Joey Gibson, is bi-racial. He has Japanese and Irish ancestry. Not only that, but he openly disavows white supremacists.
And he was in the area to protest Antifa, which, as explained in the following, is merely a bunch of fakes and Orwellian parroters who engage what they're supposedly against:
One important detail of course left out is the fact that Antifa protestors, again and again, have shown to be the ones who enjoy initiating violence against others. During last month’s Patriot Prayer event, Antifa showed up to counter-protest and get violent. So it’s no surprise that people were ready to defend themselves this time.

Politico has also reported that the Department of Homeland Security has labeled Antifa’s activies as “domestic terrorist violence.” They also uncovered that “anarchist extremists” were responsible for the violence at numerous public rallies. Those documents blame the anarchist extremists for attacks on police as well as government and political institutions.
Even the mayor of Berkeley, long a bastion of leftism itself, spoke out against Antifa's mindless criminality, which is already the subject of an FBI/Congress investigation. So now Rucka, whom I don't see as a very talented writer in hindsight, is going miles out of his way to whitewash the real anarchists, in effect insulting the police outfits in the process, seeing as how Antifa caused them nothing but trouble as well. And he even thinks Frank Cho's innocuous illustrations of Wonder Woman are more a problem than Antifa? Sigh. Rucka never deserved the jobs he got writing for DC and Marvel, and has only proven himself just another distorter of facts. He's also revealed himself as a writer with pretty vulgar language in store that even today usually isn't allowed in mainstream superhero comics. Maybe that's another reason why he shouldn't be hired to write for the Big Two anymore.

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Nazi Germany was allied with Imperial Japan; Japanese descent is no proof against Nazism.

Hitler was an Aryan supremacist, not a white supremacist; he wanted to kill off large portions of the "inferior" white population - Russians, Poles and other Slavs, Jews and Gypsies/Romany. Slavs for breathing room for an expanding German nation, Jews because of pure hatred. A lot of his modern admirers talk about the white race rather than the German race - but that wasn't Hitler.

You have to be careful about this 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' kind of thinking, especially when you are doing it from the other side of the world; it puts you in the camp of some real ugly dudes.

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