The Schomberg Center's 8th Black comics festival
“It makes me feel comfortable coming here instead of going somewhere to a comic con and not being able to pick out something or a hero that looks like me,”While I think specialty conventions like these have interesting advantages, I have to question the wisdom of saying only heroes who resemble or look like you matter, along with those who could be representing an ideology. After all, isn't it the story merit that matters first? If somebody's only going to take interest in a particular comic because they see themselves as member of a particular group in it, then this only compounds how meritocracies are being thrown out the window for the sake of identity politics. And demonstrates how the works of past veterans are being shunned for the same.
Which is a terrible shame, of course, showing the sad neglect society's fallen into.
Labels: conventions, indie publishers, msm propaganda
"Which is a terrible shame, of course, showing the sad neglect society's fallen into."
You're foolish. This is exactly where liberal Jews have been guiding African Americans towards, where they seek representation in the media as poor compensation for their lack of history. I'm sorry, but Miles Morales is not part of your African cultural heritage. Pop culture is not a substitute for the history of one's cultural hertiage or family history. After all, African Americas are not descendents of people who live in Wakanda.
I don't care if Grant Morrison or Alan Moore sees Superman as a spiritual teacher in popular culture--they know their cultural heritage and history is not something printed in a comic book or portrayed in a big budget Hollywood film.
Posted by
Saber Tooth Tiger Mike |
5:58 AM
If you think African Americans don't have much history, it is because you haven't read much history. African Americans are central to American history, to everything from the Civil War to why white workers in the South were so slow to unionize compared to Northerners. You cannot have a comprehensive understanding of American law, culture or economics without looking at the role of black people in the country. The descendants of Africa are at the heart and soul of American history.
Myth has value, especially when grounded in truth. Pop culture may not be history; but it is often grounded in the historical record, and can make history come alive. It is the rare American who is descended from Wakandans, to say the least, and not just because none of the Wakandans ever came over as slaves; but Wakanda made a lot of young kids interested in Africa and its history. Hollywood movies like Amistad or Uncle Tom's Cabin are only partially reliable as fact, just like the Truth: Red White and Black comic book was fiction based on important historical truths; they embody history and help it become meaningful to today, even if you should make sure to verify their facts before you use them for reference in your high school term papers.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:46 PM
I dont think the participant at the conference actually said any of the things you are criticizing her for, defintely not going by the quote in your post. He or she did not say only writers that look like you matter, but only that it feels good to see a hero that looks like you and shares your background. And nothing about shunning past veterans; I bet that the Schomburg conference will highlight past veterans you have never heard of and who have been forgotten or marginalized by the MSM.
As for meritocracy, it is an open question whether people are trying to promote creators because of their roots, or whether minority creators of great merit have been shunned because they are not part of the dominant group. Racism defeats meritocracy. Perhaps a true meritocracy would give more recognition to black creators and those from other minorities, not less.
Miles Morales, by the way, is not part of the African cultural heritage. He is part of the American cultural heritage.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:49 PM
"This is exactly where liberal Jews have been guiding African Americans towards, where they seek representation in the media as poor compensation for their lack of history."
Man, are you ever behind the times! It is actually the liberal Hindus who are giving this kind of guidance. They took over from the liberal Jews years ago. Liberal Jews are now focused on converting African American fundamentalist Christians to Judaism through the Trojan Horse of Jews for Jesus, in order to improve Jewish diversity quotas and deprive evangelical Christians of their most charismatic and intelligent leadership candidates. Sort of a two for one deal.
I guess you haven't read the latest tweets from Qanon.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:32 AM