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Thursday, March 26, 2020 

Entertainment Weekly offers free look at Sitterson's "No One Left to Fight"

Entertainment Weekly's giving everybody a free sample of far-left writer Aubrey Sitterson's purported tribute to manga, "No One Left to Fight", as something they recommend to read during the COVID-19 outbreak when you're stuck at home, and this is how he promotes these items:
"Everyone's stressed right now; about COVID-19, the effects of social distancing, impacts on the global economy, and the effect that all of this will have on comic book shops and our favorite medium," Sitterson tells EW. "We're not so arrogant as to think that a really, extremely awesome comic book can fix any of that, but our hope is that reading THE COMIC YOU ALWAYS WANTED can give you – even momentarily – a sense of escape."

Sitterson and Ossio have been referring to No One Left to Fight this way, as "the comic you always wanted," because it is such a blend of their favorite genres and stories — and given fan reactions, the same is true for many readers.
Be that as it may, this form of promotion is nothing new from Sitterson, who tried promoting his ill-fated GI Joe spinoff, Scarlett's Strike Force, in similar ways as "the best comic ever", look how well that turned out, as a deliberately SJW-themed story, along with another GI Joe series he'd written before getting booted because of his horrific conduct on social media and insults to people both in and out of New York during 9-11, a textbook example of how not to promote your scriptwriting. Something which, obviously, neither he nor EW want to get into, considering it was a truly embarrassing moment in modern history.
"The single issues of No One Left to Fight flew off shelves, selling out all over the country and leading readers and retailers alike to demand a second printing of issue #1," Sitterson says. "While we were thrilled and overwhelmed by the book's success, we knew that being an instant collector's item could make it difficult for new readers to get onboard with THE COMIC YOU ALWAYS WANTED. That's why we're so excited to partner with EW, making the entire first issue available for free."
Just look at that, capital lettering to drive home the point. Okay, we get it. But past, present and future, merit-based writing should be the reason to want the book. So a challenging query regarding this series is, how good is the writing? Take a look and see for yourself, ditto the art. And I hope Sitterson's done some soul-searching in the past few years and reevaluated his past conduct to realize why the polite approach is how you find success, not a rude, politically motivated and condescending one where you alienate potential customers precipitating the downfall of comicdom, something even most movie actors don't usually do so noticeably. All the bad behavior by contributors of any rank on social media's played a part in downing sales very badly, and if publishers don't set up a clear, enforced policy on what you should or shouldn't do interacting online, then nothing will improve. Of course, the best policy would have to be not making use of social media servers on the web, if it brings out the worst in people. Sometimes the best method of interaction is through email and blogs, plain and simple.

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Can't say I trust publishers to regulate what ordinary people say to each other. Do you really want Jim Lee or Dan Didio and C E Cebulski or Alex Alonso controlling everything all their contributors say online? Don't forget, a lot of contributors work for more than one publisher, so they would have to obey several different masters every time they opened their mouths.

And why would you want to bother reading anything by someone so spineless and lacking in spirit as to accept any policy like that?

And then there is this pesky thing in the US called the Constitution....

Way back in 1981, when people were complaining about some things John Byrne said in an interview, editor-in-chief Jim Shooter wrote:
"If John Byrne has bigoted ideas, it is his right to express then any way he damn well pleases - outside of Marvel's pages. Marvel didn't publish the Byrne interview - the Comics Journal did.... I can't (and wouldn'f if I could) control what Marvel freelancers think and say on their own time. And no, I don't agree with Byrne's stupid prejudices."

Makes a lot of sense.

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