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Sunday, July 19, 2020 

Bendis puts in a subtle insult to readers in Action Comics #1022

Brian Bendis may hopefully be leaving Superman soon. But this panel from issue 1022 of Action Comics tells that he can't make a departure without showing some spite for the audience who found his Superman work awful:
It sounds from the babble in the captions like Bendis is telling the audience they don't know how to read or interpret anything. And that he doesn't want dedicated fans as an audience, or to write anything to please them. Tsk tsk. If he's really that thin-skinned, no wonder he wasn't suited to write Marvel books either. On which note, it's honestly a shame that only now, more of recent, some people have woken up and realized why nobody with a brain should've invested money into his shoddy writing. But I suppose it's better late than never, and whatever Bendis' next assignment is, everyone recognizing the embarrassment Bendis represents can continue to send a message they won't buy his books anymore. All he represents is a perfect example of somebody who doesn't base his approach on merit, and his willingness to lash out subtly at the audience in his Superman work reflects that disinterest.

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"And that he doesn't want dedicated fans as an audience, or to write anything to please them. Tsk tsk. "

He does have a lot of dedicated fans, though. Did you ever read Barry Lyga's novel, The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl? The comic fan characters in that novel practically worship the ground Bendis walks on; he even makes an appearance as himself in the novel. Not many comic book writers feature in novels about their devoted fans.

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