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Wednesday, July 29, 2020 

Tom King finally apologizes to Jae Lee, but Heather Antos didn't

King's finally issued more of an official apology for his offensive defamation of artist Lee, or so it seems: But this is still coming awfully late, and he hasn't apologized to Comicsgate backers, or guaranteed he'll drop the subject permanently, which he'd do well to make sure he does.

And besides, the damage may already be done, if the following comment by a certain former Marvel and Dark Horse editor says anything:
Well it sure doesn't look like Antos is sorry this had to happen. Even though she replies to another guy with: Unfortunately, this doesn't sound like Antos is apologizing for backing King's original screed against Lee. Or, it doesn't sound like she's apologizing to Lee for demeaning him in turn. And who knows if she ever will? That's what the industry's sadly come down to.

Those in the medium who really want to avoid causing hurt would do well to learn from this incident, and avoid even mentioning Comicsgate ever again.

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"and he hasn't apologized to Comicsgate backers, or guaranteed he'll drop the subject permanently"

I doubt he has any intention of doing that.

Antos is calling attention to the fact that, although by no means a Comixgater, Jae still inadvertently lent them credibility and revenue by doing a cover for a comixgate-related publisher. If anyone has a right to complain about comixgate, she does. Jae says he doesn't want to know about any of it or be forced to take sides; Antos seems to take the position that you have to be more aware of the people you associate with and not endorse them in ignorance.

Antos is not endorsing TOm King's original tweeting; she is taking the position, essentially, that all that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. By staying apart from the issues, Lee can be seen as letting evil triumph. I don't necessarily agree with her - he should not feel obligated to take sides in every little twitter war every time someone wants to complain about the state of comics on twitter or youtube, or preoccupy himself with other people's spite and trolling and grievance - but I can understand how Antos as a target of all this might see things differently.

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