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Thursday, September 24, 2020 

Erik Larsen endorses Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' presidential bid through the Savage Dragon #253

Erik Larsen's obsessive leftist side comes round again as he uses his pretentiously written adventure comic as a political tool, this time for promoting the former Democrat vice president under Obama (whom Larsen also previously supported in the same series on its cover) and now presidential candidate Joe Biden, along with his own vice presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, as seen in the coverscan at the side. And I must say, this sure is pretty blatant. Quite a few people replying to Image's twitter post promoting this tommyrot thought it was cringe-inducing. As noted on Bounding Into Comics, Larsen defended the approach as follows:
Larsen explained the decision stating, “This is an important election. They always say that but with America literally on fire and an ineptly handled pandemic it feels especially so.”

He continued, “Twelve years ago SAVAGE DRAGON endorsed BARACK OBAMA and history was made. Savage Dragon #137 was the first comic book to feature the then-candidate Obama on its cover and it became a global sensation. It’s time to take a stance once more and help make the country, and the world, a better place!”
Well if Larsen really wants to do that, he'd do well to take a good look at the politics and conduct of the anarchists lighting up everything and causing the pandemic to continue. As explained in this Jerusalem Post article involving both US-based and Israeli-based left-wing protests, for example:
A spike in coronavirus cases was recorded in at least eight US cities following the George Floyd protests, a report published last month by three American researchers has found.

“Relationship of George Floyd protests to increases in COVID-19 cases using event study methodology,” was released in the Journal of Public Health and showed that Atlanta, Houston, Jacksonville, Miami, New Orleans, Orlando, Phoenix and Seattle had positive abnormal returns in the three weeks after the first day of protests.

Prof. Gabi Barbash, a former Health Ministry director-general and a regular health analyst for Israel’s Channel 12, mentioned the study on the evening news Wednesday night.

“My view on the demonstrations is only slightly influenced by this report,” Barbash told The Jerusalem Post. “My belief is that demonstrations should be stopped because of the... increased risk of transmission during the gatherings, and also for public visibility.”

These US scientists used “event study methodology” to determine the abnormal growth rate that can directly be attributed to the George Floyd protests, taking an estimation period of 30 days – the days after the stay-at-home order was rescinded or expired.
So not only were these BLM/Antifa riots built around a man who had a criminal record (and appears to have once been a co-worker of Derek Chauvin's), they've also been conducted by people who apparently have no qualms risking the spread of Coronavirus infections with such large crowds gathered, many of whom may not even be wearing surgical masks. And, in case it needs to be made clearer, the anarchists causing many of these fire problems are left-wing.

As for Larsen's support for Harris by extension, he clearly hasn't put any thought into how Harris didn't enforce tougher laws for dealing with sex offenders when she was an attorney-general in California, and this year she supported a bail fund that led to release of several abusers. And then, let's again consider the disturbing accusations against Joe Biden of sexual abuse. Not to mention his son Hunter Biden's own troubling conduct. Let's also not forget how Larsen's been using the Savage Dragon comic as a drainpipe for all sorts of smutty story elements over the past decade, so maybe that could explain why he's got such a lenient position on Biden/Harris, even as there's college Democrats who're finding the allegations against Biden troubling.

Anyway, this latest news certainly makes for a real head-shaker on Larsen. He may have once had talent as an artist, recalling he worked for about a year on Spider-Man around 1990, early in his career. But ever since he joined Image, he's led to a situation where you have to separate the early art from the artist, and his more recent conduct in Savage Dragon really gives sex a bad name. This is one of the reasons why Larsen's choices for political sidings is a total embarrassment, and no sensible person need waste their money on his pretentious comic series.

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The self-imagined elite in the media (including comics) have arbitrarily decided that they want a POTUS with internal reproductive organs.

(Which they could probably have had if they had nominated Hillary Clinton in 2008, but they dumped her when Barry jumped in and became the Shiny New Thing.)

Biden's "supporters" know he cannot even survive one term. They expect him to die in office, and then Kamala Harris will take office.

If he doesn't die on schedule from natural causes, he will commit suicide by shooting himself five times in the back of the head with a bolt action rifle.

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