Comic creators are only so happy to see Donald Trump not only ousted, but blacklisted
We had to send him to…to a farm, upstate, where he can romp and play with other POTUSes, Rudy.
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 9, 2021
He’s happy now.
It’s true. Even Patriots and Christians, if they use Twitter to foment a seditious assault that kills people, can be thrown off Twitter. The tyrants.
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 9, 2021
We can only wonder what Kurt thinks of Rudy's past efforts to keep NYC safe in his time as the mayor. Now, practically the whole state's going to ruin under Andrew Cuomo as much as Bill de Blasio. By the way, does Busiek have any concern over Twitter allowing Islamofascists to spread hatemongering against Israelis on Twitter?I saw one of these oiks declaiming that Trump can’t be authoritarian because a dictator can’t be censored; the dictator is the one doing the censoring.
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 9, 2021
And I’m thinking, yes, Twitter does dictate the terms under which you use Twitter, you betcha, that’s true.
But the worst comment Busiek made to date has to be this mind-boggling horror:
What kind of ghastly blood libel is this supposed to be? Something that definitely forces anybody sensible to separate art from artist and take Busiek's past work on superhero fare with a big bag of salt, that's for sure. Of all the tasteless remarks Busiek could've made to date, this is one of the most vomit-inducing. As though it weren't bad enough Pence threw Trump under the bus this past week, and the outgoing veep is willing to attend the inauguration of Biden, whose undeserved ascension he enabled. Certainly that was sad, but to make contrived accusations that Trump wants to endanger Pence is much worse, and utterly offensive.Perhaps Pence figures that if he invokes the 25th Trump will try to have him killed again. But if he doesn’t, Trump may try to have him killed again anyway. So he needs a threat Trump might remember for a few days...
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) January 10, 2021
I also noticed the following from Carlos Pachecho:
This appears to be from some of the most recent renditions of Captain America, and frankly, I am quite bored silly at this point with the obsession these modern phonies have with trying to exploit these examples for demonizing any and all conservatives as outright stupid, tunnelvisioned fanatics.I think that this is a perfect moment to remind this...
— Carlos Pacheco (@Cpachecoficial) January 8, 2021
Another example is Mark Russell:
He totally should and he should call it Trump University.
— Mark Russell (@Manruss) January 9, 2021
Well I think this says all we need to know about what Russell thinks of Haley for supporting Israel at the UN's vile assembly, if anything (yet even Haley's a disappointment, as Pamela Geller reveals).This is why Trump will NEVER be held accountable no matter what he does. He can incite an armed attack on the Capitol and every Republican, even the "moderates", will dive onto the barbed wire to save him from so much as a Twitter ban.
— Mark Russell (@Manruss) January 9, 2021
And then, an example of somebody who's been at this far-left charade for years already, Ron Marz:
The President of the United States had to be removed from social media because he couldn't be trusted to not incite violence. That's just a breathtaking thing to step back and absorb.
— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) January 9, 2021
He even made sure to signal he condones the BLM movement no matter how repellent their conduct. Also, how fascinating he's insisting on wearing a surgical mask, but not demanding vaccines be provided if that's what it takes to return to a normal situation more easily.Beautiful thing at the end of each day. Today, Vincent.
— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) January 9, 2021
Wear a mask.
Wash your hands. #BlackLivesMatter
And then, here's somebody who's occasionally worked in comics for the worse, who appears to be parroting Joe Biden's comments:
Why do I get the bad feeling Meltzer supports Black Lives Matter and Antifa? Because he's perpetuating racial propaganda, and all the while ignoring the damage those movements have caused to the US. Oregon and Portland are some of the worst-hit areas and practically allow Antifa and BLM's rioting to go almost entirely unpenalized, yet Meltzer would rather make stealth attacks on conservatives as the only problem. It's absolutely shameful. He also ignores revelations that Antifa infiltrated the crowd going to the Capitol. And no comment about the tragic death of Ashli Babbitt, a former servicewoman? That's certainly telling something.History never forgets. And it should never forget just how different white protesters are treated from Black protesters. If that makes you mad, it should. So spare me the responses that say, “What about...?” We need to do better as a culture. All of us. Together.
— Brad Meltzer (@bradmeltzer) January 7, 2021
Maybe the worst example would be Star Wars veteran Mark Hamill, who'd made a call for Trump's exile, and who knows? Hamill may be the prime culprit responsible. And that's one of the saddest things about the people involved with the SW franchise, past and present.
Labels: moonbat artists, moonbat writers, politics
Busiek's "mind-boggling"comment? Trump incited a crowd to attack the Capitol while Pence was leading a session there, after telling them he was not happy with Pence, and the mob carrying the attitude that Pence was stabbing Trump in the front. Pence could easily have wound up dead, or a hostage with zip-ties on his wrists, if events had played out differently.
I know, I know, just a few broken windows, they were all American Patriots, no biggie. But there were militia people in with the crowd, a lot of violence against police officers, and five dead people.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:57 AM
The first comment is nonsense.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:53 AM
So's the second comment.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:48 PM
You're going to lose a lot of your supporters for this stunt Green.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:48 PM