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Thursday, January 28, 2021 

Some political tweets by Steven Grant, and one by Darick Robertson

Steven Grant is a veteran comics writer who used to work for Marvel in the 80s (he's even credited to a Punisher miniseries drawn by Mike Zeck preceding the 1987-95 ongoing series), once conceived a creator-owned book called Whisper, and now, wouldn't you know it, he's one of the most vocally leftist lecturers on Twitter. Here's his rants against Trump: But no complaints if Biden's new administration won't view Hamas and PLO as the terrorist organizations they are? This is disgusting, but not unexpected, coming from somebody who's tragically such a PC advocate. And here, he hints at his dislike of the owner of this business because he's a conservative. And I guess Grant believes the guy shouldn't be able to make a living because of that, huh? Very sad. This is so sad, it's not even funny. Grant perpetuates the cliche that all Trump and Republicans could do was lie, and nothing else. And it makes no difference if Biden lies about anything. Considering Grant obviously has no intention of ever voting for the Republicans no matter what direction or policy they take, I just don't see the point of his obsession. Predictably, Grant would just love to see Trump impeached wholesale, along with senators like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley. And Grant ignores the horror story Antifa created for the latter and his family. Makes me wonder why Grant wanted to work for a company built up by a guy who argued that "with great power comes great responsibility". Because Grant shows none of that. I wonder if this is supposed to be an allusion to a story pitch Grant would like to make for a variation on the original comic written by John Ostrander, only this time, it'd star metaphors for conservatives in the roles of crooks forced to do special service for the country. Only this time, if I can read Grant's ideas correctly, instead of using superpowers for fighting other villains and such running amok, they'd do political services for Democrats, is that it?

I also found at least one political tweet by Darick Robertson, the artist of Garth Ennis' overrated tommyrot, The Boys: Well at least this explains where Grant's going about declaring Trump a liar: he's parroting what a garbage heap like the Wash. Post is lecturing! These old geezers sure don't look very far past what's called mainstream press, do they?

Based on what politics Grant espouses today, it makes me wonder if he still stands by his 1985 Punisher miniseries any more than Gerry Conway does as the character's co-creator (with Ross Andru) in the Bronze Age. Probably not. Grant is, at this point, another washed out comics scribe who can't resist the unfortunate tug of social media for raising divisive issues that're only causing ever more division in the USA.

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Why manga is outselling dcvel by schmillions.

Don't think Grant or Robertson are doing any work for DCville these days.

You must've watched a lot of Apprentice episode back in the day huh?

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