Free comic published in Michigan for sake of LGBT agenda
They came from across Michigan to announce their presence, celebrate their existence and protest for their rights.Hmm, and who could've provided the funding? Left-wing propagandists, maybe? Whatever, free items like this are surely the most cunning propaganda weapons that can be found around, and that's why they can be the most worrisome.
And they returned to march again the next year, and the one after that — and every year, continuing today.
Now, 50 years after the inaugural Motor City Pride parade in Detroit, a free comic book is being published to preserve and celebrate the event’s history.
“Come Out! In Detroit,” a collaboration by Ypsilanti-based illustrator Isabel Paul and Michigan State University historian Tim Retzloff, will hit stores June 2. The 28-page comic book chronicles Christopher Street Detroit 1972, the first-ever LGBTQ Pride march in Michigan, Retzloff said.
In order to make the history accessible to as many people as possible, the creators aren't charging for their work; it was funded through donations and grants.
“I knew that there had been this first march that lots of people did not know about, even people producing current marches. I also knew the 50th anniversary was coming up, so that was kind of an early seed of the project,” said Retzloff, an adjunct professor of history and LGBTQ studies at MSU.While it is important to know history of various subjects, tinting it all through a rose-colored lens does no favors for the subject, when here, there've been only so many cases where such propaganda's hurt society, and even led to businesses being damaged over petty issues.
The story follows the event from from being organized by LGBTQ groups across the state on college campuses and within local communities, and then shifts into the streets to show the actual march, as well as the dance party and softball games that followed.Oh, it is? And is that because they want it to be? Sometimes, that seems to the case, sadly enough, and reminds me of all the 9-11 Truthers of the past 20 years, who want to believe September 11, 2001 was literally an inside job. And how will the comic in question deal with police violence? Through a far-left lens? Unfortunately, that's the basic approach all too common with most woke propagandists these days, so it'll be no surprise at all if the comic the Lansing Journal spoke about follows the same route. This is the sad state of affairs we've come to these days when it comes to the politicized approach employed by many leftists.
In the illustrations, the 200 to 400 estimated marchers carry signs sharing political messages, such as "free gay prisoners," "repeal all anti-gay laws," and "full civil rights for gay people." [...]
In particular, the book includes scenes of a drag contest at Joe Covello’s Lounge, a since-shuttered LGBTQ bar in the Lansing area. The narrative includes an excerpt from a Lansing State Journal article that described the event reaching a “social high point” with the crowning of the queen. [...]
The book touches on topics such as police brutality and anti-Black racism, but does so in a way that Paul said keeps it accessible to people of all ages.
“The illustrations convey that these are very nuanced topics that people have to deal with, and people still have to deal with today, without showing that violence … but still communicating this is important,” she said. “This was an aspect of being gay and it still is today.”
Labels: golden calf of LGBT, misogyny and racism, msm propaganda, politics
The FO's (Fantasy Obsessed, easier than typing their alphabet soup) need a month of pride to cover the shame they live with for their depraved desires and behaviors. It doesn't really work of course, and since it's not genetic, they must constantly recruit those with the same hidden shame, especially the vulnerable young.
Posted by
John Bobek |
7:14 PM