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Thursday, August 31, 2023 

If this comic was done as a UNESCO project, will it be worth anything?

The Deccan Herald tells of a comic launched as a project with UNESCO for addressing challenges of adolescence:
Menstrual nutrition, gender stereotypes and physical changes at the onset of adolescence are some of the key topics touched upon by a comic book unveiled by the Ministry of Education on Tuesday.

While launching the comic book, comic book, titled Let’s Move Forward, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said that the book will motivate students to prioritise holistic well-being along with academic progress. The book is a collaborative effort between the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and UNESCO New Delhi.

[...] “This is a very healthy initiative for the development, safety and security of adolescents. We decided that if we release this in a comic form, insead of a drytext book, we can help with creative engagement and the book will have greater appeal among children,” Saklani said.

He added that the book will help the children take care of their body. “Today, the advancement of technology and the internet has become dangerous, and kids are unaware of these dangers. This is an initiative to highlight and communicate to parents and students about the various stages of life, and that healthy physical development leads to mental development,” Saklani said.
They're correct the internet can be a very dangerous place, and there've been LGBT advocates who've exploited it for influencing children, in example. But if this comic is being published in association with UNESCO, who knows if it'll get into any of that? The UN themselves support a lot of this today, and viewed in that context, it's unlikely they'd be willing to sponsor a comic warning how LGBT ideology can be a bad influence for children.

And I would think mental development comes first and is important for physical development. And there's also vital importance in teaching children the differences between good and evil. Will this comic co-developed with India's UN branch have anything like that? Alas, there's no way to tell so far, but I do know that, if I were developing a comic of this sort, I wouldn't want to do it with the UN, based on how they've done more harm than good for the world. To produce comics like these, what should really be done is for the artists to have them distributed to all countries that could use it without going through the UN for the whole purpose, and there have been some comics marketed that way. Why can't some people wake up and smell the coffee, and realize the UN's not a reliable movement for these kind of projects?

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