Veteran writer Hama recently posted the following 2 items on Facebook:
I think the part that's laughable and tiresome at this point is the worries about "homophobia". But maybe the main point is how Hama's the kind of leftist who just won't look beyond the kind of news sources he already does. He also posted:
Well maybe those who believe the election was stolen 3 years ago, but why does he think literally everyone who believes Coronavirus was a hoax would unfriend him over that? And the obsession these people have with upholding LGBT ideology at all costs is getting tiresome. Hope he doesn't think abusing children with
that kind of propaganda is okay. He also made sure to post the following hint at what he thinks of a certain recent presidential incumbent:
Something tells me Hama is perpetuating cliches to be expected from leftists like himself, that Donald Trump doesn't uphold the Constitution. Tell us more please, though we could honestly do without this kind of tommyrot. I guess what's bewildering here is how liberal veterans like Hama who served in the army believe they know all that needs to be known, but not conservatives.
And if Hama rarely posts anything political, why did he have to sully the record with that more recent item? And if he's really worried about racism, does he also recognize leftists are fully capable of committing it too? Come to think of it, is he also as concerned about sexism? That remains to be seen. For now, I sure don't want to be a "friend" of his if he's going to be so obsessed with being a leftist ideologue, and even a "moralist". That kind of awkward approach never works out well.
Update: also look at who reposted one of his items, as seen in the following screencap:
Yup, Gail Simone, who's making clear her own left-leanings. But then, she's probably even more irrelevant now than Hama is.
Labels: golden calf of LGBT, misogyny and racism, moonbat writers, politics
Great article man!
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:39 AM
He's trying to present himself as a fence rider and independent thinker, but I don't think it's so. He has not done his work in sorting out what's true and what is not. He appears fully commited to the narratives of the "left". If you've read his work "B. the Barbarian" at all, one can see he's also VERY political.
I was enjoying his new GI Joe writing, but was curious what guided his thought in this new crazy time, and oh my was I enlightened! I would not be at all surprised to learn that some of his Cobra plot line is "inspired" by "conservatives".
Ha, ha! I hope not, but.. things are pretty crazy in the good ol' USA...
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:32 PM