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Thursday, January 25, 2024 

Fishy report about what a university's doing with its comics research, and how

In this Denton Record-Chronicle article, they tell about the North Texas University's studies in comicdom, but there's something appalling that comes up:
The collection of comic books, graphic novels and manga is housed on the third floor of the Willis Library. The shelf is chock-full of newspaper comic collections, graphic adaptations of classic novels, manga, superhero comics, queer graphic novels and other must-read staples of the genre.
Just what we need to hear about. "Queer" GNs, because to them, nationalities like Bulgarian and Portuguese are worthless by comparison as an identity. The paper does, however, note that:
There is also already a concerted effort to fill the collection with award-winning books, such as Marjane Satrapi’s award-winning graphic novel Persepolis, Campbell said.
That's certainly amazing a GN like Persepolis turns up in a university like this, because something tells me anything that could be critical of Islam won't be available at these colleges much longer. But now, here's the part that's really disturbing, focused on Archie comics:
Comics studies’ next hosted event is “Into the Archieverse,” happening May 10-11. This two-day conference will be on everything Archie Comics: history, books, movies, television, music and more.

Recently, UNT gained access to the World of Archie Comics Archive for students and faculty to use, featuring back files of more than 100 comics titles from the 1940s to 2020 featuring characters and stories from the Archie universe.

The organizers of Into the Archieverse are currently accepting proposals on anything Archie, using the official archive at UNT, to present at the conference.

Think Archie in television and film, Archie fashion, Archie noir, the music of Archie, queering Archie and more — Campbell said they’re open to the unique and interesting. [...]
When they talk about "queering" Archie, that's a telling sign something's wrong. It's never enough that they already did that over a decade ago with a character called Kevin Keller, and they've probably already changed one of the established female characters into a transsexual. And it's not even enough that, no thanks to the social justice meddling, Archie stories are no longer suitable for children.

This kind of university project is exactly why nobody sensible should turn to them for reading material, and there's no chance they'll do anything creative with Archie, based on their hints at where they're going now.

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